Oct 18, 2008 02:20
So I got the next two days off... Can't say I'll mind the holiday, but couldn't it have happened when I had y'know... things to do? So yeah, two days to kill 'til work on Monday. I *think* I remember was I used to be cool.
I kind of like putting these things down, so here you go. Goals for the weekend:
- Haircut (Sat)
- App for PT job (?) (Sat)
- Check out Guitar Center (either) and City Sports (either, again)
- Gym (both)
- Golfing (either, depending on weather)
- Laundry (Sun, likely)
- Grocery Shopping (tomorrow, perchance?)
- Baseball/Football...
I think I was invited to tag along with a friend and meet some new people tomorrow night, so there might be plans, but we'll see...
eat the worm