Dec 30, 2011 15:57
GRRM just posted a sample from The Winds of Winter, and I'm about to read it. Also, I have just finished the Star Wars original trilogy and let me just say how I love Han Solo, that I don't know if I should be giddy or just laugh at some of the Han/Leia moments, and what the fuck, why was Boba Fett's death so lame? Episode V would probably be my favorite, if only for that "I love you" - "I know" exchange because that perfectly describes how awesome and cheesy this thing is for me.
I have read a lot of lists regarding books that one should read before they die, or greatest books or books you should have read, and I would say that in those lists, most often the only books that I have read are Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, and parts of the Bible and the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Honestly, I am tired of all these lists and comments suggesting that I am a shit reader. Maybe I am, and probably I could make a lot of excuses for it but what the fuck.
This is just a case of I-found-something-on-the-Internet-that-makes-me-feel-like-shit and all, but still, this is Allie's blog where she fucking rants with apologies. I'm sorry for not being a wide reader, for starting quite late, for not having read masterworks and for not owning a hundred books. I'm sorry that I'm not cultured. I'm sorry that I have no taste. And I'm sorry for reading more comic books than novels quite recently. Actually, scratch that last bit, I most definitely am not sorry for it.
I could go on about not having required readings in high school or money and all that jazz but it's getting a little too old for me.
Suck on my tasteless uninformed reader persona. And, hey, at least I fucking hate Twilight.
on something,