The Gatehouse Gazette # 22 out now!

Aug 06, 2012 12:50

Although we suspended regular publication of the Gatehouse Gazette last year, we didn’t want 2012 to go by without at least one installment of the dieselpunk and steampunk magazine. So I proudly present our thickest issue to date: a 1940s themed special edition of the Gatehouse Gazette.

The magazine has a survey of Spanish steampunk by Jose Francisco Alfaya of Decimononic; a lengthy review of Peter Tsouras’ collection of alternate history stories Third Reich Victorious by Larry Amyett of the Dieselpunk blog; a collection of forgotten technologies by Lorenzo Davia; an essay by Marcus Rauchfuß of The Traveler’s Steampunk Blog about Nazi aesthetics in the dieselpunk genre; a feature by Tome Wilson of about dieselpunk milestones; and, as always, a Steampunk Wardrobe column by Hilde Heyvaert of House of Secrets Incorporated about noir fashion styles.

Click here for the free download of Gatehouse Gazette #22

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