You only wish you were this cool

Oct 17, 2012 16:10

No wait, you're reading my blog, therefore you are this cool. ;)

Hello Peeps,

Its me again with your daily dose of boredom at work requires me to work on my 'zine time. So today I wrote a very lengthy first draft of an essay I call, On Power! which deals with power structures in society, empowering the individual and all that sweet jazz. Its pretty cool, it led me to discover Christiania in Dutchland an anarchist enclave on a military base that the governments seem devil bent on destroying. Which is sad, because anarchy is kind of cool. I'm not for having absolute anarchy because I like order and I like government in action, not government inaction ... but I think a lot of their progressive ideology is something we should acknowledge and respect and maybe incorporate into our present hierarchical society. Which in all honesty is one step removed from being a bloody monarchy by election anyways.

But that's what my essay is for, not this forum.

Therefore moving along, we come to my top ten of why Ray Bradbury is the best ever, which I hope to make into a ten panel comic strip to incorporate into the 'zine. I don't want it to be all words and no pictures you know what I mean? Neways, I'm gonna go home and if I'm lucky and have time, I will start on some illustrations for the 'zine. If not then it will have to wait for the weekend, which will suck because I honestly want to draw.

I'm still looking up poems to incorporate into the 'zine. The theme is happiness and the poems have to be either original, or older than a hundred years. :D Sorry, no modern poetry. They don't have to be in English, but a translation would be cool so if anyone has any ideas point me in the direction of a poem. I'm trying not to thread on copyright issues here hence the date on the poems. Everything over 100 years is in public domain.

That said, copyright extension sucks and should be done away with, I'm looking at you Disney. You fat bloated suck. The people's will will overcome. Oh, and thanks for the Avengers movie.

Moving on ...

I'm going to start the new 'zine Lj soon ... I suppose these updates should be posted there and not here in my personal journal. Where in the world is Cheeky? Or Kels for that matter. No one hangs out on Lj anymore ... *sighs* FB you suck monster!

lonely, sucking, 'zine, wtf?!, art

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