What am I doing now?

Jan 13, 2011 17:17

So, the Christmas holidays are over and my personal vacation is coming to a close ... *sighs*

I'm sad because while I miss Kellybear, I don't want to go back home. I miss my Mom and living here in the valley, even if the place is deader than the old west. *Sighs* Which reminds me, I'm going to be doing research so I can write an old west story, and I am thinking about writing a short story for my short story collection.

Tia Rosa has been great with Isa, and Isa has been great with everyone. Except maybe Tio Hector whom she will just not be nice with. Probably because he doesn't come over as often as when we were kids, or because he stays so little. *shrugs* The valley is so dead and boring it is just the place I need to live in to write and read loads of books, so when I become super rich I am going to buy a house in Edinburgh in a nice neighborhood and I am going to let mom keep it until I come every summer to write my yearly books here. But that's in the future. For now I have to go back to Austin and I don't want to. I find I don't like Austin as much as I used to. Probably because they aren't as ... I don't know interesting as in years past. *shrugs* Small and simple at least for me now is better. In an ironic twist of fate, I am now stuck in Austin and away from the place I used to gripe so much about ... the valley when I was a child. Life's funny, I know.

I finished Pride and Prejudice, and I thought Mr. Darcy was such a prick halfway through the book, especially the way he proposed to *gag order* but then he redeems himself with that letter and ... then I thought Elizabeth was so ... mean, but her prejudice is a lot less than Mr. Darcy's pride and Mr. Darcy really is totally evil up until she changes him. So, all in all, it started slow but after the first 100 pages it becomes this evil page turner you just have to find out what happens with Mr. Bingley and all the stuff between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy and then Lydia and Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh, the book was is and will remain forever brilliant. It's a comedy of manners, and love, and while some of the ostentaciousness of the whole thing, and the rules of class and whatnot grated my Marxist sensibilities, it is a period book, and brilliantly written story I would highly recommend it.

And another funny, melancholy thing finishing P&P I found myself one night reading Steinbeck's King Arthur tales, and I was sleeping in my old bed in my old room and I remembered how I used to do that as a boy. I used to sit in my room and read the Oz books, or Peter Pan, or King Arthur's stories from when I was little and ... it kind of made me sad and happy a little. It's been such a very long time since I've done something like that and I wanted to open the window and make a wish like the little boy I was so many years ago and I realized how much I haven't changed and how my wishes haven't changed with time either and ... well, *shrugs*

I love Isabella, and I've been very happy this new year and I hope to keep the spirit alive for the rest of the year, the true test will come when I get to Austin though ... :P I'm not looking forward to that as much as I should. Kelly and I have a lot to talk about ... life is going to be very different for us. At least for me anyways, I'm saving the doom and gloom for my books and I'm going to be happy, cheery, Glee LOL

Well, that pretty much sums things up a little. I hate Facebook, it doesn't ... people are too short and fast in their lives now a days. Stop and smell the roses. I am going to. There is just too much going on that isn't. Everyone be happy and expect me more here, and less on FB cuz it's dull. I'm pointedly more interesting in the long run ... I've got a lot to say ... and someone out there surely might find it interesting.

loads of love from above, or rather below cuz I'm down south LOL

pride and prejudice, king arthur, my melancholy childhood, the classics, life is funny

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