I'm so sad and poor and nobody loves me ... I must dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... *cries*

Jun 10, 2010 01:18

     I'm not all suicidal or anything, I'm just really, really, really sadly desperate for attention.  *sighs*  I got a new phone.  Thanx Mom & Tia Rosa.  I totally needed a new one.  The battery on the old one was so ... dead.  Three years old or more and responsible for me and Kelly and more naughty talk than most porn soundtracks :O but you all didn't need to know that.
     Neways, everyone seems to be awol or on summer vacation.  I hate that because I don't get a lot of internet time, between the library and using other peeps internetz ... well anyways, I miss you all.  I'll be moving, I don't know where or when.  *sighs*  I'm hoping it'll be soon and somewhere ... fun.  But before then we're going to be very, very, very busy.
     Kelly's sick.  :(
     Iron Man 2 was made of awesome.  We went to see it before the boys left.  I miss them a lot.  I hope they're okay.  I had like 600 messages on Deviant Art ... LOLZ.  I wish I could post my art, and I wish I could art.  Have you all seen my art?  You should see my art.  *sighs*  I'm sighing a lot lately.  Life is weird right now.  *sighs*  Oh well.  Everything is fine I guess.  Nothing majorly crazy is going on, and that's awesome, I don't need crazyness.  Just everything is majorly crazy.  *sighs*
     Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.  I think I've lost my mind.  Update laterz on my insanity.  Miss you all, love you all.

status update, state of the union

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