It's the end of the world as we know it_1st post

May 02, 2010 00:59

Fine, whatever.  I give up.  I totally did not want to write this story this way too, but ... whatever.  I've had the premise in my head for a while now and I seriously need to get it down or I'll write something else and forget all about this.  So, here is the very first nascent, as in it needs a lot of work and rewriting of my next story in my story meme thing ... as always, everything's written on the fly.  Critiques, advice, or general conversation are all welcome and much loved.

It's the end of the world as we know it!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111  (and I feel fine)

It's the end of the world, plain and simple.  The last thing you want to have happen, your deepest, darkest secret suddenly revealed to the whole wide world, but most importantly your family, because at the end of the week, who really cares what the hell Mindy the cheerleader thinks?  I mean, unless you've really got the hots for Mindy the cheerleader, which if you knew Jeremy's secret, well, you'd know he didn't care about Mindy or Cindy.  Ricky knew, but he'd been bought into silence.  It was easy to pay off your little brother but when the very diary that had held the secret had fallen into the wrong hands ... or rather suitcase, it was simply a matter of time before everything was out in the open.     "So, what do you want to do?"  Alejandro asked.
     "You mean, other than break down crying?"
     Alex smacked his boyfriend on the shoulder and laughed.  "It's not that serious."
     The other boy gave him a, you're-seriously-fucking-crazy-for-saying-that-look-especially-if-you-believe-it.  Alejandro sighed and gave him an apologetic expression.
     "So, you're right, this is like a nuclear bomb going off in the middle of a crowded city."
     "This is more like a fucking ... full fledged alien invasion, wipe out the human race moment Alex.  This isn't just some stupid, getting caught borrowing the car because I left a ding in it, kind of thing."
     "Well, yeah, I guess.  But ... well, by now he already knows, right?  So ... what are you going to do about it?  I mean, do we spend the day preparing for the worst, do you want to go to his office?"  Alejandro was always one for skipping school. "I mean there's not going to be a tomorrow so ... what are you going to do today?"
     Jeremy buried his face in his hands as they sat on the bus bench.  Alex shook his head and waved the bus on as it came by.  He wasn't going to get on the bus and head down to school when his love was on the verge of the apocalypse.  Jeremy ran his hands through his hair.
     "What's the worst they can do?"  Alejandro asked.
     "Throw me out.  Disown me.  Send me to one of those sick religious camps where they deprogram you into a Christian vegetable that worships God and the higher authority and not your own free will."
     "Yeah, because we any of us have complete free-will," Alejandro said diverging into a philosophical argument but on seeing the blonde haired boy's face he jumped the train back on the track, "I mean ... well, so what?  If they throw you out you can come live with me.  I'm sure my parents would take you in.  If not ... I'll sneak you up into my room every night."
     "You just want to f*ck me don't you?"  Jeremy teased.
     "Everyday of my life.  Or haven't I been trying hard enough to show you?" Alejandro replied.
     "I swear if Ricky had anything to do with this mess ..."
     "Are you even sure your diary is in your dad's briefcase?"  Alex asked again like a cop interrogating a suspect looking for their story to fall apart.
     "It's a journal," Alejandro made a face, "and he wouldn't read it anyways, that's not the problem."
     "Then what is?"
     "The pictures," Jeremy replied exaggeratedly.
     "What pictures?"
     Jeremy made a face.  "Oh, crap.  Those pictures," Alex remarked realizing the situation for the first time in it's full blown direness.
     "I should have known nothing good would ever come of kissing you," the blonde haired boy teased.
     "Don't worry, I'll never make that mistake again," Alex replied crossing his arms and turning away.
     "Shut up!"
     Jeremy tackled the retreating figure of Alex and they fell on the grass laughing and pretend wrestling, until Alejandro was on top and he had Jeremy pinned down.  He smiled a wicked grin.
     "Oh the things I could do to you right now."
     Jeremy laughed.
     "So, for your last day on earth, what do you want to do?"  Alejandro asked.  "I mean, your Dad is going to find out your gay, your Mom is going to disown you, and Ricky is going to finally get to pick on you publicly about your homoness so ... how are we spending your last happy day on earth?"
     "Homoness?  Seriously."  Jeremy laughed.  "Homoness ... dude."
     Alejandro moved his hands down to the boy's ribs and started tickling him.  Their book bags sat on the bus stop bench while they laughed and tussled in the grass in front of the library stop.
     It was ragnarok, it was armaggedon, it was, well, the end of the world, and school was the last place they wanted to be.

it's the end of the world_1, writing assignment, story soundtrack, it's the end of the world, the ultimate playlist

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