Cause Steampunk Is Sooo Victorian <3

Nov 06, 2009 00:59

Cause I need a HUGE commentary when I post so I'll just open a new post... yea...

Sorry for the messy sketches + usage of a really... dirty... type of paper...

And why yes, I do tend to talk alot. You may ignore me. I've just had an overdose of insomnia + assignments and have yet taken the cure for that.

Title: Ultra Phailed Steampunk D:
Author/Artist: Me
Character(s) or Pairing(s): England and Hungary (Would you like an EnglandxHungary?! XD)
Rating: Totally G unless you're hysterical about cleavages...
First time drawing anime in… a year… I think… 10 months? I dunno… somewhere there…
First time using my NEW scanner after my old lousy one died <3 And, loving it might I add.
First time drawing steam punk (I think)
And definitely, first time, drawing hetalia characters.
Also, I had no reference so, erm, really sorry if they don’t look like who they’re supposed to be (WTF?!)
Summary: Really messy sketches using those crude butter paper which wrinkles when it's subjected to heat! Cause I know I won't have the time to continue working on them >.<


Omg I’m posting when I have NEVER posted in even the normal com but after drawing these I felt a huge pang of relief I actually felt indebted to them! I was bored while waiting for my friend to finish her crit session so I stole my friend’s spare butter paper and started doodling! Earlier, before I left home, I saw the opening of steampowers so I… just… thought… I’d draw something related…

Only to realize I knew nil bout steampunk other than exposure to Last Exile. And… Last Exile… and… those random scenes from movies. Oh screw it, conclusion, I know nada about steampunk so if this post is unrelated, feel free to delete lol anyway I shouldn’t be here when I have a friggin animation to work on and render @_@

First off, my official first pic of England. Epic failure ahahaha...

Then I had a huge urge to draw... BOOTS. Cause you know, boots are so steam punk it's criminal! It started out as MechanicBoy!England! Then half way through suddenly I wanted to draw CaptainAirPirate!England! ANd then only to realize gee this is totally f***ed up! And so... end result looked like... a mess. lol Not to mention stealing people's pencils (they were clutch pencils, not ones I'm used to) and the abscence of an eraser did not help ahahaha!!

When I reached the edge of the paper... I stared at the table sadly. I realized what a failure the pic was and tried to hide it by drawing the union jack behind him to kinda like... take your attention away? But I got bored of shading with such a lousy pencil I gave up. Let England blind your eyes!!!

Feeling depressed cause I couldn't contirbute to the community AND I HAVE YET GOTTEN MY BOOTS, I decided to draw Igiko cause female fashion pwns male fashion in terms of imagination. Something went wrong though and Igiko turned into Hungary who... hopefully, looks like Hungary >_> And I wanted to equip hungary with some badass weapon to turn her into Hungary the Prussia Hunter but alas, it was lunch time! 8B Hence the plain skirt ahahaha!!!

Ahahaha, I shall now return into the abyss of despair while my assignments drag me into hell. Oh oh, and guess what? I so wanted to draw AirCaptainPirate!England but somehow the aviator suit I had in mind doesn't really suit Englands class so I threw it to another dude. Preview~

Oh I have a chibi!Japan in his taisho era garb (I had a taisho era phase before) but... God i'm too lazy to get it here (it's 1 metre away from me). I want a rose cabochon ring...

God I bet when I'm sane I'll regret posting this lololol

england, fanart, hungary, america

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