Pensive mood

Jul 03, 2006 11:01

Another entry when I'm supposed to be doing work. Ah well, it's not too bad. I will probably be adding to this off and on during the workday while I fight with microsoft word's table feature. I hate it. Boo.

I went on AIM last night for the first time in a very long time, and this morning, reconnected briefly with Ali, someone I haven't seen/talked to in a long while. Too long. Then I IMed Justin to leave him a message (someone I also haven't talked to in a year or 2) and somehow followed his LJ link back to my old LJ...the one I haven't updated in about 3 years. I got so caught up in reading it that I was almost really late for work because I forgot to get in the shower, so I showed up looking like a wildebeest. :-p

Wow, I was so freakin' angsty then. I mean, I was really messed up. I have to apologize to anyone on my old friends' list that had to read that crap day after day. I guess I was more depressed and self-deprecating than I even thought at the time. It was pretty scary to read, actually. I mean, had it been high school, I guess it would have been appropriate, but at 20, I don't's kind of embarassing to look back on.

One thing I did enjoy looking at was my writing style. It's one of those things that I enjoy reading because it's pleasant to my eye. I feel like it flows pretty well, and I'm always impressed to look back on something I wrote with a completely fresh perspective. It's almost like it's not mine...and when I realize it IS mine, I'm pretty proud of it.

I still kind of wonder what Dave is doing. I really don't think he's the type of person I'd want to be friends with again, but curiousity is known to be the cause of the feline's demise, and so I guess I'm just curious. Although I suppose that would require getting in touch with him, something I'm still (see, I'm still messed up) not comfortable doing.

Anyway, I hope that others are able to read this now (I'm putting the link in my AIM Profile). I just don't want to lose touch with any more people. I miss you guys terribly, and I'm afraid that it's going to get worse when I move. Hope to chat with you all soon!
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