I'm back from Sakuracon!!
I had a complete blast! Thanks everyone who dropped by our table, especially you awesome people who cosplayed. I just wish I had a better camera on me, so I have more than that crap photo on my phone.
I thought the panels were successful in general, although the production panel could've gone better. It was mostly me who was ill-prepared, I REALLY wish I had a laptop on me, so everyone didn't have to wait for it to show up.
If you weren't there, though, and you're still interested, here is the presentation!!
http://www.mediafire.com/?xf5mwwjjj1z Feel completely free to look through it and ask me any questions you have! I can't guarantee that I'll be able to answer them all, but I will help with what I know.
As well, if you'd like to talk to me on facebook, please add me! I like friends. ;D