It's Christmas Eve! And I spent the majority of my day wondering about the finer points of BDSM, in the spirit of the holiday, of course.
In any case, I have a few pics I did over the past little while.
This pic I did for the 14.4 issue of
Ricepaper Magazine, a Asian-Canadian art and literature magazine (Please check it out!). The theme of
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and that is a gorgeous painting. oshfjlaegsg. :D you might get there sooner than you think~
I realized a bit into my third painting that it's hard for the painting to turn out well if I don't use blue! I'm not entirely sure why though. :/
Oh. :0 That's interesting. Maybe it's a style/preference thing? Like I know it's really hard for me to write in first person;;
And it's okay that you don't write in first person, I don't usually like it anyway. :I
Although that's a personal preference on my part, of course...
Saaame. It's just. KINDA WEIRD, YA KNOW;; (butanywaysiwillstopspammingyourpost, hee.)
And yeah! I think it's one of those things where it's just really hard to pull off well, so I end up seeing lots of amateurish/badly done works, so I usually prefer it if writers don't attempt it. Unless they kick ass. Then they can write however they want! 8D
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