Letter to my mother, sister, and several others

Oct 16, 2008 19:38

I got an email about the ABC interview in which Obama supposedly let slip that he was a muslim. This apparently sent tremors through my hometown. So I decided to write back to every person on the email list:

"I checked this out on youtube and found that the situation is much clearer when you watch the 10 second clip in a wider, 2-minute context:


Furthermore, the rumor of his Muslim faith is further disputed on Snopes.com:


Obama is not a muslim, he attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago. If you'd like to ask them yourself, here's the contact info:

Office of General Ministries

Even if he was a Muslim, what in the world do you know about Islam, really? I do not know if I am speaking to any religious scholars or people who received their bachelor's, master's, or doctorate in either religious studies, cultural studies, or Islam in particular, but in the case that I am not I would like to here and now question your understanding of Islam.

Where have you acquired your knowledge from, much less what exact knowledge of Islam do you have? Do you know the difference between Shia and Sunni Islam? What about Sufi Islam? Did you even know that Islam has denominations much like Christianity has Baptists, Methodists, Pentacostals, Greek Orthodox, Catholic, Presbyterian, etc etc etc?

In case you do not know about Islam, may I suggest wikipedia:


Even though it is unequivocally not the case, why would it be a big deal if Obama were a Muslim? Don't you think that if the US government knew (and, by God, they would) about any radical, Islamist inclinations of his that he would not be running for president and would instead be in Guantanamo Bay or something similar with a car battery hooked up to his temple? We have some of the leading intelligence capabilities in the world, and yet you'd like to believe that this one guy has somehow managed to evade detection and has nothing more on his mind than, say, flying Airforce One into the Chrysler building the day after he's sworn in? Is that what you're thinking?

Or is it just that he's a black man and you're scrambling for some insignificant excuse to howl and holler that he's a terrorist insurgent dead set on ruining this country?

Be real, people. How often do you slip up in conversation? How much more might you slip up with a network tv camera aimed at you 6 days out of the week?


-Ashley Anderson"

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