New stuff up in the flickr

Aug 11, 2008 10:01

So I dropped by the coffee shop yesterday afternoon to find out why my work wasn't hanging at Aurora. I was given the phone number of the guy curating the show and shown a box full of artwork that had not yet been hung. After leaving a message on the guy's voicemail, I took it upon myself to begin hanging my work. The impression I operated under is that the guy simply ran out of time on the evening he was hanging work and had not yet been able to return and finish hanging the volume of work resting the aforementioned box.

I have no problem with hanging my own work, or anyone else's for that matter, if it means it will get sold for the sake of this Krystal Wood person. She needs the money, so there's no reason that work shouldn't already be up.

By golly, when you say you're going to do something, DO IT. I made some of that work specifically for that show and it's going up and it's going to be seen and, Lord willing, bought by people so this girl can get her surgery. It is a poor reflection on this guy and the gallery he represents that he has allowed artwork to sit in a box under a counter for almost a week in what I'm pretty sure is a non-archival coffee shop without remedying the situation by either hanging the remaining work or returning it to the artists due to a lack of wall space.
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