Nov 09, 2006 15:55
Well, the Marshall interview is OVER.
I think it went pretty well. I woke up this morning unable to talk thanks to this sore throat I've been trying to battle off, but I drank some Airborne and some tea and some Naked Juice and a lot of water, and I was able to talk just fine.
The interview went by shockingly fast, and it was a pretty fun conversation. They didn't ask any really unexpected questions, nor any really difficult questions. Of course, now I can think of 10 million things I could have said and 10 million ways I could have made my answers more clear, concise, and specific, but I did as well as I could. I was myself and I was prepared, and I think it went well, so I can have no regrets no matter the outcome.
The outcome which I will know about TOMORROW AFTERNOON. Seriously, these people are fast. I'll be receiving a phone call or email tomorrow, which may or may not tell me what I'm doing for the next 2 years of my life. Woah.
Anyways, everyone should keep their fingers crossed, because now it is out of my hands and it is all about waiting and hoping (and performing voodoo on tomorrow's interviewees -- psych!).
I'll let you know when I know. Unless it is bad news, in which case I might need to sulk a lot.