I'm my own prep chef!

Nov 22, 2007 05:12

Yup, that's right! I got home at about 4am and (hey Salvador![cat extrodinere]) did all the prep (chopping etc.)work for my dish tomorrow so I can roll out of bed and make enough food for 20 people in 45 min. Yay sorta drunk me helping out sober me for a change!

I'm making butternut squash curry so the squash is in the oven right now (10 min left). When it's done I'll scrape out the meat and go to bed. All I'll have to do in the morning is puree it, stir fry some vegetables, boil some potatoes and make some rice and I'm done.

Special thanks go out to Ben and Leanne (yes this is what happens in the house while you're asleep) who picked up onions and carrots for me while I was at work cause we were sold out at the co-op.

Also I love talking to people. Maybe too much.

Also, also, Liz rules and so does Meghan.

Never let it be said that Jason doesn't love Liz or Meghan... or any of his friends.

Squash is done!
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