Feb 11, 2005 18:20
Now that Live Journal is actually letting me update my journal, I've got a lot to update on.
On Monday, I had my shadow day. I went to work with my dad and observed him and his bosses. My dad is an eye doctor, so it was pretty boring, until I got to see one of his bosses shoot lasers into someone's eye. And I also saw a lady who had a gold weight inside her eyelid. Wierd.
The ski trip was friggin sweet. I went around with Chuck and AJ for most of the trip, then when AJ felt sick and went in, me and Chuck joined up with Dave and Jim for a while. I was suprised that I didn't fall too much, considering it was my first time skiing (i don't consider the bunny hill skiing). And pore old James took a tumble over a hill because he missed a turn. I don't really know how I turned fast enough, but then again he was going a lot faster than I was.
Today I had like a bazillion tests, and I think the only one I did good on was my trig test. The good news is I don't have any homework over the weekend. The bad news is we have PSSA's next week. Oh poo. But at least we get free breakfast :)
Well, tomorrow I have to judge a bunch of little kids test at my karate school at like 10 AM. But tomorrow night I'll be at AJ's for his sweet sweet party. Maybe I'll see you there. Until next time.