Title: To the bar we go...
Characters: Creeping Limit Crew
Location: Epsilon 3 flower bar
Timeframe: Right now
Status: Open
Warnings: ... anything and everything (minus sex but you never know with Yumi involved) can happen here...
Momo had originally decided that the ice cream was about as much as she was going to allow herself in the ways of moping. Moping was upon a general not something that normally allowed herself to do overly much. There was always something that needed to be done or worked on. A nice little distraction, but now? Now there was pink in her engine room and even though she trusted Hitsugaya to get the pink out of her engine room she wasn’t quite ready to go back and face it yet.
So she found herself looking for and finding the flower bar that was situated somewhere near the docks. Flowers bars were interesting and fun because they tended to be some of the better places to drink. She didn’t have her knives but she was pretty confident of her ability to fight or hide depending on the actual nature of any fight that might break out.
She paused in the doorway and blinked at the sight of Ran already sitting at the bar. As of yet the bar wasn’t to crowded, but it was still a little earlier so that would explain that. She took a deep breath, she had not seen the lieutenant since Hitsugaya had promised to handle the whole situation and she wasn’t quite certain if the woman would be mad at her or not for sicking the captain on them.
She shrugged. A few good shots and she wouldn’t be worrying about it to much anyway. She flashed a hesitant smile at the blond woman and settled a seat or two down the bar from her. If she wanted privacy this way she could have it and yet she was still close enough to talk.
She waved the bar tender over with a nod to herself.
It was a good plan. She doubted too many of the crew would wander in here anyway after the whole mess with drinking the night before.
Lord knew she needed a stiff drink after that.
[OOC: the timeline for the last several days can be found