Maybe It's The Guns?

Nov 02, 2008 05:59

"When you disarm your subjects you offend them by showing that either from cowardliness or lack of faith, you distrust them, and either conclusion will induce them to hate you."
~ Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince.

Daniel Cowart, of Bells, Tennessee, along with Paul Schlesselman, of Helena-West Helena, Arkansas, planned to shoot or decapitate 88 high school students, and then assassinate Senator Barack Obama.
Story here.

I’m not against private gun ownership. There are a myriad of good reasons to own a gun in my opinion. Hunting, for example, is most effective with a shotgun or rifle. When I was a boy in Virginia, I was fascinated with black-powder muskets. As a former archer, I’ve great respect bow hunters, and I’m curious about spear hunting in Pennsylvania. I think responsible hunting is necessary for the overall health of our environment. Deer populations left un-culled can wreck havoc for example.

Guns, especially shotguns, can be effective for self-defense. I realize weak people may need a gun to defend themselves. I’m not a fan of gun-nuts however: I’ve never met a gun-nut worth spit in melee.

Guns are a polarizing issue in the United States, and there are limitations to guns that generally aren’t talked about here. For example, the 21 foot rule is always in effect. Up to 20% of the Law Enforcement Officers shot in the line of duty have their own guns used against them, and these are men and women who have weapon retention skills and trained partners: resources the average frightened redneck lacks.

Obviously one’s gun makes one a target of criminals. Were I not such a gentle, timid soul I'd write an inflammatory letter to the editor of the local paper denouncing gun ownership, noting the names and towns of those whom would renounce me. These are the home-owners I would ambush unfairly for the sole purpose of prying their guns from their warm and twitching hands.

I have to wonder too if guns weren’t such a polarizing issue what the actual statistics are regarding whom is hurt by guns and how? How many accidents are there? How many suicides, murders or assaults? What percentage of the people shot in the United States every year are criminals who frankly deserved what the get?

Many years ago I read a book that made great sense to me: Cheap Shots, Ambushes, And Other Lessons: A Down And Dirty Book On Streetfighting & Survival by Marc "Animal" MacYoung. He advocates the use of a cutlass for self-defense, an assessment with which I agree.

In the tunnels beneath No Man’s Land in World War One, Canadian combat engineers rediscovered the devastating effectiveness of a short broadsword in close quarters, according to The Whites of Their Eyes by Roger Ford. This runs counter to the redneck ideology that firepower reigns supreme.

Self-defense situations are almost always Close Quarters Combat. With just a bit of training and common sense an attacker would lose his fingers should he try to wrest your blade away. A cutlass also offers greater control of the harm you inflict on your attacker, lethal or otherwise, while placing loved ones and innocents at far less risk than a gun does.

If your attacker brings a gun into a Close Quarters situation he’ll have trouble firing it as it lies on the ground while his remaining hand holds the bloody stump where his gun hand used to be. Darkness, surprise, and intimate familiarity with your environment are in your favor when defending your home. When the police arrive to clean up the mess, you not likely to be charged: "Why, yes, officer, my attacker was close enough to me that I got him with a sword." Are there any jurisdictions in the where that doesn’t qualify as self-defense? Legally, guns can get messy, especially if you hit someone other than your intended target.

During SAF/S-SETT training we learned that most gun fights take place between three and nine feet, and that five out of six round miss. This is with a level of training most rednecks seldom achieve. A British study of 20th Century warfare indicated that only one out of every 100 rounds fired in combat actually struck their target. My point here is that properly wielded in close quarters a cutlass or short broadsword may be superior to a gun in many instances.

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