A new
benchmark:Bench Press:
Four (4) Reps: 315lbs.
Five (5) Reps: 305lbs.
Six (6) Reps: 295lbs.
Body Weight: 230lbs.
I've also been boxing and swimming. I like to swim. I can't float, though - if I stop moving, I quickly sink to the bottom. Nor am I hydrodynamic, yet. At least I've remained waterproof.
The boxing workout may prove potentially problematic. I've already burst a speed bag by hitting it too hard. I also beat the hell out of the 60-pound punching bag. It shakes the gym when I lay into it. One of the coaches brought a beefier 80-pound bag in. I punched it so hard I tore it from it's mounting 8(
I saw Mike "C" and Mike "B" this week. Mike "C" works out in the local steroid pit, though I don't think he's abusing drugs. He weighs 207lbs now, down from 272lbs. Huzzah for him!
Mike "B" used to work in the local steroid pit, and I suspect he has abused steroids in the past. He's tall and handsome, with a wife and two children, and had no need for trying to match the images in magazines - he looked fine. He's working out at the "Y" now, and out of the steroid pit. So Huzzah for that, too.
Lindsey and I talked about the local steroid pit today, agreeing that some people do very stupid things, compelled, perhaps, by poor self image.
I've horrible self-image. Knowing that I cannot see myself accurately I avoid looking in mirrors. I see myself as puny and pudgy when I know, rationally, that I cannot be as pathetic as I see myself. Puny and pudgy people don't bench press 315lbs. When I say this is one of my demons, I don't mean a demon in the supernatural sense. I've done some things I'm not proud of, but exercise is exorcise, for me.I have wandered that flat, rock-hard plain of sorrow,
and stood upon the very precipice of doom.
With the winds of rage howling against me,
I bellowed my true name into that dark abyss,
and slew those demons whom answered that summons.