[Vriska didn't think any of it when she ate the slightly mushy edible fungus that her family fed her. But a few hours after eating it, she finds herself back home
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*Kanaya, having seen quite obviously that everybody's going echobeast fecal matter crazy, has been trying to check in on her friends and comrades to ensure their health. She helps, after all. That's what she does.
But when she comes to Vriska's lawnring, she... pauses. She's always known that Vriska has a mass of complexes and problems that were honestly far beyond her capabilities as a moirail, so she's somewhat trepidatious about what she'll find.
But Vriska is just... sitting there, an unreadable expression on her face. Is this a good thing? Or a bad one?
I came to see how you were doing, though since you broached the subject I feel compelled to remind you that I have rarely hesitated to interfere in your business if necessary.
Vriska, I was being wholly sincere, not venturing a poor attempt at humor.
*And she slowly sits next to her former moirail, not looking over at her.* Did you mean what you said just now, or is it the hivecluster-induced insanity speaking?
But when she comes to Vriska's lawnring, she... pauses. She's always known that Vriska has a mass of complexes and problems that were honestly far beyond her capabilities as a moirail, so she's somewhat trepidatious about what she'll find.
But Vriska is just... sitting there, an unreadable expression on her face. Is this a good thing? Or a bad one?
Kanaya approaches.* ...Vriska?
Heh, too late.
I came to see how you were doing, though since you broached the subject I feel compelled to remind you that I have rarely hesitated to interfere in your business if necessary.
May I sit down?
Sure, sit down. I ain't stopping you.
*And she slowly sits next to her former moirail, not looking over at her.* Did you mean what you said just now, or is it the hivecluster-induced insanity speaking?
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