Pictures from Sandy's birthday party.
Apparently Sandy's house isn't very safe.
Jack looks so scary.
Exibit B.
The swing Sandy's on is dangerous. Trust me.
He only knows how to use it cause it's his.
I feel like this picture doesn't belong in this entry...
lol @ Hannah's expression as Ashley tries to destroy the see-saw.
Izzy, sporting the posessed look.
She recovers with a sultry pose.
Jack was actually on a killing spree that night.
Sandy drunk on a little too much Cinco de Mayo! beer.
On the right you can see Jack counting off how many beers he's had.
Julien ended up having to tackle him to the ground.
I don't like people approaching my terriroty.
Nice picture of Jack.
Courtney posing as a monk. I hope she knows how morally wrong that is.
Isabel Murray, socialite at large on the L.A. party scene.
She's a wild one, she is.
Jessica and Emily actually hate each other.
Hmmm... I'll leave it for you to decide.
No comment.
Alex calls Isabel from across the dance floor.
Doesn't it look like something you'd find in the bargain section?
The album hits stores July 11th.
Brianna's drunk and "confessing her love" to Isabel.
"IZZY! I luhve you! i luhve you man!"
I'm addicted.
Just look at how quickly 1 at a time turned into handfuls.
"Wait, can we try that again?"
I just couldn't break it's spirit.
She's a warrior.
I'm sorry, Ashley, it's just too funny.
To compensate, here's a really good picture of you.
Isabel has an easier time taming the damn horse.
Courtney, a devoted Animal Rights Club follower, didn't approve.
"Oh, here, let me fix your hair for you."
"Quick, a picture of the stylist and the model!"
They're a good team, but I think we all know what a deep meaning "team" has in this situation.
Jordan looks like he's intimidating Jarhead I mean Jared.
I don't call him that to make fun of him, it sort of just happened after the movie came out...
I don't know why it makes me laugh so hard.
This picture too. Just look at Jarhead Jared. It's like he's flying!
Reminds me of those scary car commercials with the Germans.
WOAH, what's going on here?!
I ran and slid to take this picture.
Ashley seems to always be trying to hurt Jack at parties...
Flashback to Ian's party.
This pictures funny because Jack ran away and Ashley threw the ball at him, only it hit the pole.
Here she is trying to fix it. Just as funny.
The struggle continues.
Here she is sneaking up on him with a knife behind her pack.
Isabel looks great.
Ashley's straight up gangsta.
How sexy.
Channeling Beyonce again.
I HATE this picture. But it's funny if you imagine it as me cheerleading.
"And LIIIIIIIFT from the knees. FEEEEEEEEEL the energy moving up your legs!"
Things got raunchy in the guest house.
Hannah's startled by the sexual activity going on behind her.
Trying to make a "talk post" in the bathroom. SCANDALOUS.
It didn't work, just so you know.
Judging by Sandy's one night stand's expression, I'd say Sandy's about a 9 in bed.
I had to!
They played that game forever.
Just imagine "Unwritten" playing in the background.
The "feel the rain on your skin" part.
Best part is Brianna's expression in the background.
Twister's back.
Mmmm, I think Sasha likes it...
New Twister Master.
Alex likes it when others succum to her.
Ok, funny story. So I was playing a game with Ian and Jessica, and we were crouching in rows. Than something was called where I had to extend my legs so I was bent over from the torso, and basically as I tried to get up, my ass upper-cut Ian and knocked both him and Jessica over.
The culprit.
If there was a third person in the middle, it'd be an album cover.
The end. Only one more week of school and then a two hour geometry final and I'm done.
I've never been so excited for summer in my life.
Oh, and some of the pictures were taken by other people. Don't ask me who or which.
Lauren took the twister pictures.