#1; you can't sing without a melody

Jan 05, 2009 12:18

Welcome to stealmymelody! This is the new graphics community for me, yenetai.

Posts in this community will stay open for a limited time, then you'll have to join to see the entries. POSTS WILL STAY OPEN FOR NOW. FEEL FREE TO STILL JOIN THOUGH, BECAUSE I WILL LOCK THEM SOMETIME IN THE FUTURE. :)

If you want to affiliate with stealmymelody, leave a comment to this post and I'll get back to you.

Please promote the community! You can do so by going here.

PS: I accidently turned off joining at first (because I'm an idiot lol), but you should be able to join now! :)

affiliates: blaackvelvet, brokenstriings, corruptgraphics, cremepeach, ebonynights, fiveohseven, foolishgames, gypsyballads, hilfiger, iconmation, intothefiire, lackofsympathy, loveshape, macarons, marshmellowy, oldashtrays, outofyoursoull, photocons, pinkrushh, pixelmajic, prettylovething, riskyskies, rosettes, runslikethewind, showthenames, solamare, soonthecrash, suicidalchanges, tinypixel, velvetshaped

*affiliates, *intro

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