Primeval fic: By Any Means

Nov 24, 2015 22:16

Title: By Any Means

Word count: 100

Characters: Lester, OC

Rating: U
Written for P100 challenge 446: I can’t do it


“The decision is entirely impersonal. The ARC is simply one closure out of many.” Rehearsed speech delivered, the Minister folded his hands, his expression somewhere between relief and complacency.

Lester had never thought of himself as a good man. He now refused to think of himself as a bad man. He was simply a man prepared for all eventualities. He passed the envelope across the desk and watched silently while his companion examined its contents. After a while the Minister looked up his attitude now one of open dislike.

“Yes, well, perhaps money could be found for one more year.”


lester, oc, primeval, drabble

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