Primeval fic: Dirty Little Secret

Oct 20, 2015 22:37

Title: Dirty Little Secret

Word count: 100

Author: Stealingpennies

Characters: Stephen, Leek

Rating: PG-13
Written for P100 challenge 441: Dirty Little Secret

AN: Vague plot but pretty much pure Stephen angst. Stephen is convinced that he is responsible for unleashing the creatures from the ARC and causing the death of all his friends. Leek is in no hurry to convince him otherwise. Continues from Put a Spell on You.


The flat was in darkness. For a moment Leek thought Stephen had gone but a noise from the bedroom said otherwise.

“Headache?” asked Leek turning a light on low. Stephen had dressed but otherwise lay on the bed where Leek had left him.


“Have you been out?”




“You should. We could go now.” Leek looked down at Stephen and smiled. “Food and fresh air. Doesn’t that sound good?”

“Aren’t you ashamed to be seen with me?”

Leek dropped to the bed and took Stephen’s hand. He spoke carefully. “I promise we won’t meet anyone you know.”


primeval, leek, stephen, drabble

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