Primeval fic: Ready or Not

Jan 20, 2015 23:19

Title: Ready or not

Word count: 100

Characters: OC

Rating: PG-13
Written for P100 challenge 402: Forgotten

AN: Implied character death. I don’t know. I was trying for some Ryan/Stephen.


Seb burrowed deeper into the bushes. He always won at hide and seek. It helped being little and able to crawl into confined spaces. Once he’d fallen asleep and wakened to find all his friends had gone.

Today was not a forgotten day. Seb could hear Toby shouting his name and the cries of other players. He shifted, trying to get comfortable and brushed his hand against soft warmth. A cat! The creature rumbled.

“Here kitty, don’t be frightened,” Seb whispered.

But kitty had gone.

The cries continued louder. Faltered. Stopped.

Seb shut his eyes and prayed to be forgotten.


oc, primeval, drabble

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