Primeval fic: Let them eat cake

May 31, 2014 11:05

Title: Let them eat cake

Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters: Becker/Jess

AN: Happy Birthday   celeste9.  May your day be full of sparkles and glitter and pretty pics and lovely fics. Meanwhile here’s a small drabble.


Jess eyed her cupcake with its single jaunty candle with dismay. When Becker had proposed to make her a birthday cake she’d been ecstatic and it was true the finished result was pretty. It’s just there wasn’t very much of it.

Becker was looking at her expectantly.

“You did say size doesn’t matter,”   he said at last.

“Small but perfect,” she agreed. It was a lie. Size did matter. The bigger the better.

Becker’s face quivered and he started to laugh. Still laughing he pulled her into the kitchen where a confection the size of a small island lay waiting.


becker/jess, primeval, gift, drabble

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