Primeval fic: Staycation

May 30, 2014 10:39

Title: Staycation

Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Becker/Matt

AN: Belated ‘Happy Birthday’ to basched. May all your birthday wishes come true.


Holidays were a difficult concept for Matt who had been raised on a combination of duty and survival panic. But Lester insisted that all staff use up their annual leave.

“This place has gardens and an armoury,” said Becker.

Matt peered over his shoulder. “That’s only up the road. Don’t holidays involve travel?” But he looked hopeful.

“It’s not obligatory,” replied Becker. “Hmmm, plants and guns. Where can we find those?”

He pointed at the yucca growing in the corner. “Well that takes care of the plants.” One swift movement pulled his t-shirt over his head. “Now for the guns.”


primeval, gift, becker/matt, drabble

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