Primeval fic: Fairy Tales

May 06, 2014 11:31

Title: Fairy Tales

Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Stephen/Ryan
AN: A fluffy drabble for nietie’s Birthday. Hope you have a spiffing day. :)


There were tiny crumbs leading the way into the forest. Stephen followed these with ease no matter how irregular the spacing. Ryan just followed content to trust his partner’s skill.

Eventually they came to a clearing where a larger fragment lay.

“Cake,” said Stephen with a flick of his tongue. He grinned. “It’s a shame there’s no gingerbread house.”

Ryan’s lips quirked in amusement, “Hansel and Gretel?” He moved closer, sliding his hands around Stephen’s waist, before dipping them lower. “Who did you have in mind playing?”

Stephen moved into his touch. “You choose. I can be whoever you want.”


ryan, primeval, stephen/ryan, birthday, stephen, drabble

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