Primeval fic: Art appreciation

Feb 11, 2014 22:20

Title: Art appreciation
Word count: 100
Rating: U
Characters: Sarah, Danny, team
Written for P100 challenge 353: International Cooperation

The ducks, the peacock and the giant rodent scuttled through the anomaly followed by Danny, Abby, Connor, Becker and a trio of soldiers.

Sarah followed and found herself in a garden on a summer’s day. The peacock had stalked into the bushes. The ducks were now swimming on the edges of a flower-filled lake. In the distance she could see josephoartigasia monesi being herded towards a second anomaly.

A man stood on a small ornamental bridge watching the scene. Sarah headed towards him.

“What did you say?” asked Danny later.

She smiled. “I told him to paint the water lilies.”

team, primeval, sarah, drabble, danny

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