Title: Not Exactly a Hallmark Moment
Pairing: Connor/Ryan
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 5050
AN: Birthday fic for
fififolle who wanted Connor/Ryan and was kind enough to use one of my bingo squares - Secret Admirer. A rare fic from me that arrives on the day! Happy Birthday. Hope it’s been brilliant for you.
More than words can say )
Comments 16
Cheers! *g* I don't think Connor follows logical thought as other people know it. I am rather taken by the idea of Ryan being all embarrassed and caught on the hop. :)
That bit had me howling!
This was cute, and funny, and angsty and hot!
Cheers! Poor Lester - I'm sure he would have preferred to face the creatures. :)
Lawks! Luka, you have read sappy, cracky Connor fic. I am beyond touched! Thank you. But, yes, Lester would probably have rather been eaten by creatures.
That was completely wonderful!!! <3 <3 <3
It had a Stars Wars theme with a picture of a Jedi knight and the message ‘You’re the Obi-wan for Me’.
Lester had agreed that desperate times did indeed call for desperate measures but had ordered Connor never to mention his sex life again.
Man, the misunderstanding was delicious, and the sex was insanely hot! I absolutely love this :D
Thanks so much!
You are fabulous to me <3
More sensible comment tomorrow, definitely! *happysigh*
*blows you a kiss* Always a pleasure to take pretty boys out to play! :)
Poor Connor, jumping to all the wrong conclusions, and Ryan being all stoic and refusing to talk about things until it's all gone too far. Oh, boys!
But there was so much cuteness in their backstory of how they got together, and I loved the fluffy happy ending!
*cuddles boys* Oh they are perfectly mismatched. I love Connor bringing the full weight of his intellect to the problem and getting it totally wrong. But Ryan has my sympathies. Connor is really a very high maintenance boyfriend. They deserve their happy ending.
Cheers for commenting.
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