Fandom: Merlin
Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 550
Trope Bingo: Highschool AU
Merlin Fic! Ok, very old Merlin fic. Merlin is clearly the ex-boyfriend with whom I have issues. I’ll be reading and commenting on current stories in about five years. I’d honestly forgotten I’d written this ficlet since I never got around to posting it. The characterisation is firmly first season. Two Sides of the Coin. Indeed.
“I could kiss it better for you,” offered Merlin between dabs of cold damp cloth on Arthur’s lips. “If you prefer.”
The flinch which greeted his actions indicated that Arthur definitely did not prefer. It was difficult to see his expression obscured as it was by mud and blood and cuts and swelling.
“You really are an idiot, you know,” said Merlin, but his touch was gentler than his tone. “What were thinking having a fight with Valiant? It’s not like you have to do these things to impress me.”
Arthur shuffled uncomfortably. The eye which was still open dropped its gaze.
“N’ty imp y,” mumbled Arthur.
“Good. Because you know how I feel about fighting.” Merlin dipped his cloth again into the cloudy water and continued his dabbing. Arthur’s face was nearly clean now although Merlin made a note to steer his boyfriend away from any mirrors for at least a couple of weeks. It wasn’t that Arthur was vain, but…At least nothing was broken. “So what was the big deal?”
Arthur shifted again.
“Shit!” said Merlin, dropping his cloth into the water with a splash as the penny dropped. “You were fighting over me. Now I know you are an idiot. I told you I wasn’t interested in Valiant. It’s you. How many times do I have to drum it into your thick skull that you’re the only person I’m interested in?”
Arthur’s face contorted into an indescribable expression of mixed frustration and amusement topped off by a grimace of pain. He rolled his good eye. “Said things.” The words came out slow but clear.
Merlin sighed. He knew Valiant from primary school and even then the other boy had been a bully who knew just what buttons to push to provoke a reaction with the result that the kid being taunted had often ended up as the one in trouble if he was pushed to far. Merlin hadn’t seen Valiant in years. Not until the boxing club starting using Dragon Sports in the evening after Merlin’s Taekwondo class.
For a moment Merlin allowed himself to think of his black belt and the pleasure of taking Valiant apart bit by painful bit. Then the words of Master Gaius came back: “A coin has two sides and the half must not hate that which makes it whole.” And, ok, so this was a steaming heap of BS and the class all sniggered behind the Master’s back, but when pressed, Gaius raised an eyebrow and elaborated about the way of the warrior being a peaceful one and the point of being able to defend yourself meant never having to.
This was probably not the right time to mention Gaius to Arthur. Instead Merlin sat down by his side on the bench in the empty gym. The caretaker would be along to lock up soon. He reached under Arthur’s shirt and carefully worked his arms round Arthur’s waist judging by the intakes of breath which areas were and weren’t bruised.
They sat in silence for a few moments then Arthur very, very slowly allowed his weight to rest against Merlin, head dropping down against his neck and shoulder. Merlin shifted slightly so his mouth was resting against Arthur’s ear. He spoke softly, barely more than a whisper, “Thanks.”