Primeval fic: Season's End

Oct 01, 2013 15:56

Title: Season’s End

Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Lester, Becker, Leek
Written for P100 challenge 334: Autumn Colours

Warning: Character death

AN: AU Becker/Connor Regency romance of many clichés and unlikely shenanigans. Connor has found a refuge with Jenny and Ryan ( here). Becker and Lester have caught up with Leek. Continues from here.

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lester, becker/connor, primeval, regency au, becker, leek, drabble

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Comments 26

dreamer_98 October 1 2013, 15:07:56 UTC
Oh, very cold and calculating, but very Lester. Great use of the prompt.


stealingpennies October 1 2013, 16:03:49 UTC

Thank you! I was a bit worried about pushing the characterisation too far but my feeling is that Lester would be utterly ruthless in protecting those he loves.


aunteeneenah October 1 2013, 15:23:35 UTC
I shall use my "somber Connor" icon as this is a very serious situation. Lester is actually being quite kind... in a way. This is very, very good and you should not have felt awful writing it because it works out so well. Leek won't have a chance to say a word about Connor and his family is saved the shame and social isolation that a hanging would bring. I look forward to Connor's reaction to this.
**looks at watch** Next stop, Jenny's?
**quietly tucks pitchfork away**


stealingpennies October 1 2013, 16:12:32 UTC

Thank you - I'm really pleased you thought it worked. I did sweat a bit over this scene and how it would play out. And also, it was one of the rare occasions I felt I needed to fact check and thus now know more about actual public executions for treason in the period than would wish to.
Hhmmmm. Clearly they'll need to say something but my feeling is that Becker and Lester will give Connor a highly edited version of their dealings with Leek.
(Ha! Like Jenny and Ryan are ever letting Connor out of that nightshirt)


aunteeneenah October 1 2013, 16:24:44 UTC
Wait! Did you say Jenny and Ryan or Stealingpennies? Hmmm, quite suspect. lol
I'd be more apt to get him OUT of the nightshirt, if you catch my drift... **whistles innocently** *g*


stealingpennies October 1 2013, 17:00:13 UTC

(Pets your icon) Oh but Connor belongs with Becker (at least in this fic) and Becker does not like to share. However, Lester is still available and I do like him very much indeed...


eriah211 October 1 2013, 19:02:19 UTC
AS I said, Lester can be the scariest of all them O_O *shivers*


stealingpennies October 1 2013, 21:40:41 UTC

Oh, I like Lester like this! Thanks for commenting. :)


knitekat October 1 2013, 20:16:43 UTC
Ooh, Lester is lovely chilling here.


stealingpennies October 1 2013, 21:36:26 UTC

Thank you! I like him being ruthless. :)


knitekat October 2 2013, 19:18:53 UTC
*nods* He does delightfully chilling very well.


fififolle October 1 2013, 20:21:07 UTC
Bloody hell!! The good old days, eh?!


stealingpennies October 1 2013, 21:35:30 UTC

For auld lang syne, my dear...


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