Where to start? Where to start?
Druids - featuring a nice line in tattoos. Merlin being called Emrys. Am very sad so actually went to the bother of looking this up to find Emrys means Ambrosius. Unfortunately my mind immediately added ‘creamed rice pudding’ to this handle so it’s not something that will be appearing in a fic near here soon. Yet another execution. Are we at one a week?
Camelot’s soldiers - I know these aren’t the elite knights (*sniggers* Yeah, we all remember how inspiring they were) but what a bunch of no-hopers. They really are the Keystone Cops and if anyone had been allowed to speak you just know that they’d have had comedy rural accents.
Gaius/Merlin - I totally called this relationship *preens* Gaius and his herbs and his big book and his anatomy lessons. *loves*. When the big M/A fest is over am going to check out Gaius and his morally dubious past. Collaborator, much? Aside, have you noticed how everyone uses Merlin's name whenever they speak to him. It's all Merlin this and Merlin that.
Gwen/Morgana - Shippy girls. I *heart* both Gwen and Morgana together and separately. This is becoming Morgana’s show…see her slowly slide down to big bad-dom. Gwen *weeps* I so want Gwen to shine. It’s unfortunate that she only really sparkles with Morgana. By which I mean that indefinable umph that makes you sit up when two actors/characters share the same screen space. As of now, I totally buy the theory that she marries Arthur to be his beard.
Uther! WoW! Uther is freaking scary. I mean really freaking scary and really, really physically imposing. I’m still veering to the theory that they’re padding Tony Head’s tunics out…Check out the dysfunctional family dining arrangements. Uther eats a lot! Arthur is banished from the table - since we all know he’s completely unable to find anyone on these door to door searches. However, it’s always a sign that the floor sweeping coat will come out of wardrobe which can only be to the good. Does Uther ever take off his gloves??
Morgana/Uther action. I don’t see lust but I do see immense power struggles. Would very much like it if Morgana turned out to be Arthur’s half-sister.
Uther/Arthur - keep going with those shit!dad moments. Arthur’s therapy bills will be something major. Will point out here that Arthur can be a different kind of king precisely because Uther has been the kind of monarch he is. More Uther/Arthur please with close ups of Angry!Uther and Angsty!Arthur. Thank you, tptb.
Shoes: Oh, fer cute! Tippy toes. I will use my shoe icon in honour.
Keys: That’s enough of the cute! God, Arthur please stop being so dense. Even the gratuitous neck shots cannot wholly make up for the stupid. Merlin, stop teasing Arthur!
Morgan: T’was obvious who he was really. But props for creepy child acting. I can believe he would grow up and kill Arthur without a second thought. Very much liked the way Merlin could hear Morgan clearly while Morgana got faint echoes. It demonstrated their respective magic skills nicely.
Merlin/Arthur: “unthinkable” *hearts* Merlin lying tormented on his bed. Arthur all lost and trusting. ALL GOOD. Although the scene where Uther caught Arthur letting the druid boy escape would probably have been emotionally explosive I’m sure something along those lines is yet to come. Bad servant! I actually think Arthur just likes talking about Merlin in a teenage crushy way. Aw!
Plotholes, anachronisms, bad dialogue: About par for the course.
Next week. Excalibor.