...then she'll be a true love of mine.
Still no reveal.
Lawks. I really don’t know what to say. Objectively it was an excellent episode but on a personal level I was so gutted that Merlin was the one wielding Excalibur it acted as a great big bucket of water over the head. Yeah, I know that it makes dramatic sense for the sword to then be in the stone but those promo pics or Arthur carrying the sword were designed to mislead. And not in a good way imho. (Clearly mileage may vary here and since I’m finishing this review nearly a week post show I’m not all ‘Oh Noes’ anymore but still think it was a cheap trick. I know lots of people loved the twist.)
This season has not been kind to Arthur - I see it as his ‘difficult’ season in the same way Season 2 was so very harsh on for Merlin. There some parallels with romances that went nowhere (Elena, Freya) and attempts to free themselves from Camelot’s ties (Freya, Gwen) and taking steps to distance themselves from their mentors (Gaius, Uther). However, where Merlin’s season of trial gave him a very emotional arc (woobie!Merlin) Arthur comes across as a spoilt and entitled bully (pratt!Arthur). This is largely a fault of show format - since the writers are largely uninterested in the logistics of ruling beyond tournaments and quests - we never actually get a real feel of the crushing weight of destiny that might cause Arthur to react with childish anger. The political marriage was played for laughs and the episode where he does try and get away from a life that has been largely laid down for him by fate is Gwen’s episode and Arthur comes across as petulant rather than desperate and selfish in turning his back on his people. We do see kingly Arthur in his interactions with Uther, and with his knights and in his willingness to be both a leader and, if necessary, a sacrifice, but the show’s insistence on Merlin saving the day by magic makes Arthur’s military skills seem largely redundant and a little bit shallow and unnecessary. Overall the balance has seemed off.
On the plus side, this has been an excellent season for Merlin. CM’s scenes with the Fisher King were a highlight of the season as was the buddy bonding with Gwaine. Also, it seems that Arthur’s lessons in self-defence were paying off a bit as Merlin was quite handy with that there magical sword.
Visually the show was great this year and I love the fact that the writers/producers are reaching out and ramping up the whole scale of their storytelling but it has come at a cost….too much glitter, not enough heart. More feelings, please.
The rough with the smooth:
Merlin/Freya - their interaction was lovely. Sweet and yearning. I (still) don’t buy M/F as one true love but both actors played it well and the water in the puddle worked surprisingly well. It was an innocent first love feel to it. I hope Freya comes back somehow in future episodes.
Dragon - Clearly the dragon is being billed as a good guy but I still can’t get over that whole laying waste to Camelot thing that formed last season’s finale and the awful disdainful way he refers to Morgana as ‘witch’. However, seeing Merlin ordering the Dragon around is hot and dragon flying is cool. So overall a plus point but I’d rather dragon was used sparingly next season.
Merlin/Arthur - there was banter and nothing got thrown. The continued lack of reveal is making me grrrr argghh here because as long as that huge secret is between them the relationship can never progress to that of equals. Arthur takes Merlin’s advice and admits he is wise. Merlin looks at him and….lies. It’s not even a lie that seems to stem from a need to stay with Arthur more a cross and impatient kind of lie. And, yes, I did read that offensive SFX interview by Mr Capps and have to comment that Lois Lane was not gearing up to be leader of a country so not knowing was not really a big stumbling block. It was annoying that she was kept in the dark but she did at least know that Superman was helping her out. As far as know Arthur still hasn’t even twigged there may have been something suspicious about the sudden disappearance of an immortal army.
Sir Leon: My man! The knight of the round table we never knew we wanted until he arrived. Brave Sir Leon with bonus cross-dressing and shirtless scene. It has been a most excellent season for Sir Leon and he thoroughly deserves his place at the Round Table. <3
Gwen: Oh Gwen, how conflicted I am about you! I adored seeing Gwen acting as a smith and forging that key. I really wish they would give Gwen the smith’s role now that Morgana is gone ( I know it’s a bit Knight’s Tale but it makes sense) or move her to act as Gaius’ assistant. I loved Gwen’s interaction with Morgana and with Leon. The staying behind with the bandages business didn’t bother me because I see tending to the wounded as a hugely undervalued but essential role. That said, I would have preferred her to pipe up with ‘I’ll organise the bandages ..” rather than wait for Arthur to instruct her. (Both because it makes her proactive and makes Arthur come off as less of a controlling douche. Yeah, I know it was protective but it could easily be seen as controlling.)
I liked the charged glances between Gwen and Lancelot. I can quite see how you can be attracted to two people but most of us have to choose at some point. If the series does go the infidelity route I really hope that it allows Gwen to be flawed (and real) and take responsibility for her actions and not make excuses that allow her character to get off with a free pass.
Lancelot: YaY for Lancelot. He really is lovely. So noble and such a good friend to Merlin. And now he’s Sir Lancelot. It feels like SC has been a great many more episodes than he actually has because he fits in so effortlessly. I hope that next season sees more of a build up of the relationship between Lancelot and Arthur so that he justifies his position as First Knight (it was nice touch to have Arthur knight him first) and makes for a proper triangle between A/G/L.
Elyan: Still liking Elyan but he felt strangely underused to me. We really need to see some scenes between Elyan and Gwen to fill in their back story. Crib notes for the round table show that Elyan is ‘fidelity’ which is clearly some kind of joke since he abandoned his family responsibilities and totally failed to support Gwen when she was about to be executed.
Percival: The gentle giant with the hot bod! Hopefully we’ll get the backstory as to how he met Lancelot and how they came to travel together next season. For the moment it just felt a bit random that Percival should turn up and instantly be knighted.
Gwaine: Our bad boy has found a purpose in life protecting…Merlin. Oh, OK Camelot. Gwaine makes me laugh. I like his warmth and friendliness.
Morgana/Morgause: My girls. I refuse to believe they’re gone although I can’t see how Morgana be other than recurring in future seasons. I know both Morgana and Morgause have been played WICKED this season but I did love that they obviously were there for each other. I’m sure the cup will have save Morgause (and that it will be mysteriously available for further adventures in future eps).
Gaius: Bad!ass Gaius reveals hitherto unsuspected powers. It’s not entirely clear whether Gaius has been suppressing his powers or he surprised himself out of concern for Merlin. I can’t really be fair to Gaius. If I’m honest I think his character took up too much time this season and really needs to fade into the background so that the younger ones can mature. My heart sank when I saw Gaius had a place at the Round Table.
Uther: Oh I love broken Uther. This has been an interesting season for Uther in the sense that his time is visibly passing and he seems to be aware of it. I like the idea that Uther may still be king but Arthur may need to step up into and take charge of the kingdom. The idea of insanity in the family is a nice one as it also gives reason for Morgana to have gone so completely off the rails. Anyway, broken!Uther allows ASH to stay in the cast but Arthur to move on and grow-up.
The Round Table: Let’s end on a high. The Round Table was a lovely scene - possibly the best in the entire season. Really well done. The idea of a convenient castle of the old kings that was someone furnished and yet deserted made me LOL a bit but it showed that Arthur had been giving thought to the way he would do things when he was king. The whole thing just worked - right down to Merlin making a joke in a serious moment. This is the sort of scene that keeps me in this fandom. The epic moments that are brought down to human size by the characters but remain both wonderful and moving.
Sword in the Stone: OK. We all know my feelings about Merlin with Excalbur but that that final image was lovely.
Wish list for next season: for the day (and Merlin) to be saved by non-magical means at least once; more women, girls, females, persons of the non-male persuasion - and not just as potential romantic interests; A/M bonding which does not involve objects being thrown or comedy violence; a new voiceover in which Merlin is not called ‘a young boy’ as if he is 12; REVEAL, REVEAL, REVEAL.
I’m sort of pleased that canon is closed for a bit so I can get to grips with where we are now. What? What? Of course I still love the show. You think I would spend all this time thinking about it if I didn’t?