Reading through my old entries, and I need to make a correction

Jun 12, 2005 00:53

All right, I was reading through my old entries and going through and deleting files of mine from my computer at the same time and in my file I found a journal entry that I saved on the comp because maybe I didn't have time to finish it and post it. Anyway, I searched through all of my entries where I should have found the one containing what I have saved to my computer in my file, and I didn't find it anywhere. It's about the Greenday Concert that I went to back in November. Well actually, it's about my day leading up to that. Anyway,
I just thought I would post it. Read if you like.

"Well, as most of you know, last Thursday I had the privilege of going to a Green Day concert. It was the most amazing concert I’ve ever been to. I’ve been to quite a few concerts, so that is saying something. I suppose I’ll just start with the beginning… where you’re supposed to start I guess.
It all began about a month ago when Axie called me and asked me if I wanted to go to the Green Day concert with her. I hadn’t realized that they were coming to Portland in the near future and was immediately excited. My dad and I made a deal (involving my school attendance) and said I could go if I kept up my end and health. Because the tickets that Axie bought for us said “General Admission” she wanted to be super early and pick me up straight from school so we could get good spots. I convinced my dad to allow that and he came in to the school with me on the day of the concert and told the office that Axie and her sister would be picking me up at lunch. Keep in mind that the concert may have been about an hour away, but we were leaving 7 hours before the show actually started. I really didn’t give a fuck… I mean come on, it’s GREEN DAY!!!! The wait would surely be worth it. I felt almost liberated getting out of school so early while all of my other friends were stuck there. I thought we were going straight from Judson to Portland but apparently we had to wait for Axie’s mom to get off work since she would be driving. Axie’s sister (Elise) took us to her apartment and we hung out there for a wee bit. At her apartment I learned a valuable lesson in how to roll a joint haha. Her sister is such a stoner and open about it that I laugh in my pants. I even witnessed the drug deal. I recalled from the Three Days Grace concert that pot had smelled like ass and I stated that. I was immediately informed that pot only smells like ass when you’re burning it and I smelled the stuff before it was to be burned and it smelled like pine trees (odd). Anyway, I didn’t smoke it, of course. Never have, hopefully never will. I watched her roll it out of curiosity. Apparently she just wanted a joint to smoke during the concert (because to pot heads like her, it’s just not a concert if you’re not high, I guess.) Axie and I were getting impatient so we went to wait in the car. I told Axie that if she ever smoked pot I would kick her ass. She told me that mine too would be kicked if I smoked pot, or anything for that matter. I like Axie’s philosophy. She says she doesn’t do drugs because she thinks the mind is such a cool and mysterious thing and she doesn’t want to ruin hers. Right on, right on. After her sister got in the car, we all ran to my house to get something to do in the car (I do only live a few streets up from Axie after all). Axie ran in with me, and surprisingly the door was unlocked. Unsurprisingly my mom was still sleeping. I was whispering to Axie and being all quiet, kind of setting the tone that we needed to be quiet since my mom was sleeping. I ran to my room and grabbed my crocheting utensils and went quietly rummaging through to kitchen to find the scissors, as Axie waited in the “take off your shoes” area. Axie didn’t seem to catch the hint that was thrown to her by my consistent quietness, and loudly blurted “HEY JAIME!” to catch my attention from across the room. I shushed her abruptly but our laughter was hard to silence. I guess you just had to be there, but it was great. We picked up Axie’s mom from her work (she like directs all of the bus drivers at the bus depot thing down by the Lancaster mall). After picking Axie’s mom up I thought that we were going to be heading off but everyone was hungry so we all decided to go out to lunch to Axie’s objection. We ended up going to La Hacienda Real. After eating there I was bursting with happiness and excitement, ready to get to this concert. But, yet another delay; Axie’s mom wanted to go home and shower and get ready and stuff before we left. Axie and I were getting kinda annoyed. I just thought it was amusing that they picked me up from school so early when it wasn’t at all necessary. While we waited, we went back to Axie’s sister’s apartment. Axie and I were left alone in the living room while Elise was off smokin cigs with her roommates. Axie and I were all talking about how much fun it was going to be and how much Green Day kicks ass, and there we are, crocheting. It was great. I taught Axie how to crochet and it was just the perfect picture trying to watch her do it. She looks all hard-core with her new and AWESOME home made haircut and then her piercings and makeup and all black clothes… and then she’s like attempting to crochet (and doing a shitty job, not to mention). It was great. I just wanted that to be an album cover and have the caption be “True Punk”, “Hard-core”, "you know you're hard-core when you can crochet", or something like that. Finally, Axie’s mom called us to come pick her up because she was FINALLY done. Axie’s mom was driving and we crocheted while listening to Green Day’s new cd the whole way up. I used to drive up to Tigard all of the time for soccer and it took at least 45 min each time. Dude, her mom is such an offensive driver… we got to Portland in 25 minutes! And Portland is about 10 min north of Tigard. Shit man. It was funny."
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