101 Things To Do In 1001 Days

Apr 16, 2007 22:58

Entry in progress and being updated occasionally.

Started: April 16, 2007
Complete by: April 21, 2010

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Need to Complete
In Progress

1) Read three books in one month, 200+ pages each.

2) Have a picnic with a blanket in the park.

3) Take a road trip.

4) Treat my family out to dinner.

5) Take a course for enjoyment.

6) Maintain a clean and tidy room for a month.

7) Get a pen-pal. [07.18.07]

8) Put my retainer in every night for 2 months straight.

9) Go to the zoo. [07.03.07]

10) Go to a spa and spend the day relaxing. [09.10.07]

11) Buy/send someone flowers for no reason.

12) Save up 4k in my bank account.

13) Find out what my blood type is. [06.01.07]

14) Get up and out of bed the first time my alarm goes off for a week.

15) Inspire someone else to make a list like this.

16) Write a letter every day for a month.

17) Watch the sun rise with Gerardo.

18) Wear a skirt/dress once a week for a month.

19) Bake a cake/cookies/brownies for someone for no reason.

20) Start and finish a latchhook project.

21) Write down one good thing a day for a month.

22) Learn to play chess.

23) Get a Costco membership.

24) Do one random act of kindness once a week for a month.

25) Go to 10 restaurants I've never been to.

26) Color a whole coloring book from front to back.

27) Fill up my change jar 2 times.
--- 1. [05.29.07] - $357.29

28) Attempt to donate blood again. [04.27.07]

29) Go to Disneyland.

30) Make dinner for my family.

31) Register as an organ donor. [11.17.07]

32) Grow flowers from seeds.

33) Redo my whole room. [08.11.07]

34) Go to sleep before 10:00 PM for a whole week. (Not a work closing week.)

35) Send a postcard to PostSecret.

36) Floss every night for a month.

37) Redo my livejournal. [04.17.07]

38) Research a topic I know nothing about.

39) Write a poem everyday for a month.

40) Keep a notebook of random thoughts for a month.

41) Watch 3 movies I've never seen in a month. [09.01.07]

42) Cut ties with someone if necessary.

43) Be completely honest with everyone for a day.

44) Don't watch TV for a week.

45) Spend a weekend with dad. [07.21.07]

46) Take a multivitamin everyday for a month.

47) Discover 10 new bands.

48) Get a passport.

49) No fast food for a month. (Not including Subway.)

50) Get a pedicure. [06.05.07]

51) Rediscover an old song I haven't heard in years.

52) Buy Paint Shop Pro.

53) Get a better job. [10.15.07]

54) Get 700 songs on my iPod.

55) Reunite with an old friend. [02.20.08]

56) Write a song, complete with melody.

57) Organize all the little accessories I have. [08.11.07]

58) Go through my old clothes and donate unwanted ones to Goodwill.

59) Ride a train.

60) Fly on an airplane. [09.09.07]

61) Go a week without taking a nap.

62) Drink 8 glasses of water a day for a week.

63) Win 3 games of pool against Gerardo.

64) Paint a picture.

65) Start another scrapbook.

66) Make someone's day 3 times; 3 different people.
--- 1. Nicole Lockwood - [04.30.07]

67) Spend a day with Corin.

68) Appreciate something I haven't appreciated before.

69) Tip someone 100%.

70) Bowl a 200 game.

71) Get my cavity filled. [04.19.07]

72) Treat Gerardo to dinner 5 times.
--- 1. [04.30.07]

73) Purchase a scratch ticket and win $5 or more on it. [05.06.07]

74) Lose 5 pounds. [02.04.08]

75) Get 15 words on a newspaper crossword before resorting to the internet 20 times.
--- 1. [04.19.07]
--- 2. [04.20.07]
--- 3. [04.29.07]
--- 4. [04.30.07]
--- 5. [05.09.07]
--- 6. [05.22.07]
--- 7. [06.04.07]

76) Make a CD of songs for Gerardo.

77) Don't make fun of anyone for a week.

78) Find a new hairstyle that is easy to do and that I enjoy.

79) Throw out things I never use but have trouble throwing out.

80) Don't blame anyone else for a week.

81) No soda for a week. [07.30.07]

82) Try seafood again. [06.04.07]

83) Stick up for someone that nobody likes.

84) Call one person a week, just to say hello, for one month.

85) Learn more about avian care.

86) Save money by not buying something that I want but not need.

87) Teach someone something new.

88) Do leg stretches every night for a month.

89) Take one picture everyday for a month.

90) Dig up my garden and replant flowers.

91) Help my grandma do 5 things, not matter how big or small.

92) Go to church every Sunday for 3 months straight.

93) Find and try 5 new recipes.

94) Make 3 new friends.

95) Send cards out to my whole family for 2 holidays.

96) Be nice to my Uncle Tracy and Cheryl.

97) Hit a note I've never hit before.

98) Give someone a massage.

99) Get my left eye checked again.

100) Take my contacts out every night for a week.

101) Complete this list.

12 / 101

101 things

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