▲ Application ▵ a_facility

Oct 24, 2010 15:11

OOC Information:
Name: Lavvy
Age: 18
AIM: BlueFlewQueen
Y!M: N/A
E-MAIL: is.depress@gmail.com

IC Information:
Name: Vaati
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: the Minish Cap
Timeline: Before he extracts the Light Force
Age: Unknown, he appears to be around 15-16.

Appearance: In his true form, Vaati is this tiny adorable Minish with short lavender hair and and big red eyes. He is so adorable you don't even know. His actual size is only about three inches or so, it's kind of hard to tell exactly how big Minish are but he's pretty tiny. When brought up to size with magic he's about three feet tall.

Of course, Vaati basically never uses his true form because no one would ever take him seriously. 99% of the time he takes on the form of a human, albeit a very pale purple haired one. His hair is much longer, between elbow and shoulder length, and covers his left eye. He also has a pair of black marks under his eyes for no apparent reason other than they look cool. He's still short, but he's a more normal human height around the 4' range. He wears a dark purple tunic and cape with slightly poofy red shorts and sandals, with a gold and red belt in the shape of an eye. It all matches nicely with his cap, which is long and purple with a decorative gold circlet holding a large red stone.

He also has a bunch of demon forms but without the Light Force or some equally powerful energy source he can't access them, so bluh. They are big and black and have eyeballs and wings and occasionally tentacles.

Abilities: Vaati’s has an immense amount of power. His speciality is transformation of himself and others, along with the obvious wind-controlling that comes with his title. However, his magic has almost limitless potential. As long as his will is strong enough, there is little he can’t do.

- Turning people into monsters/objects.
- Changing his size with Minish portals. I am also assuming he knows how to make them, though it would be time-consuming work and even more difficult at reduced power. Anyone can use a Minish portal if they know the spell that activates it, but since Vaati also knows the spell he can operate portals for others to fuck with them.
- Transforming his body between various forms, as well as taking on the forms of other people (ex. impersonating the king).
- Energy balls pew pew!
- Turning people to stone.
- Teleportation.
- Controlling the wind (I mean come on it's his elemental theme).
- Summoning monsters. Nothing really suggests he can control them, but if there are monsters around he can teleport them to his location and then get the hell out of there so I guess that's how it works?
- In more powerful demon forms he can shoot fire, create cute little eyeballbat laser turret things, shoot crystals of dark energy, ETC.
- Basically he just makes shit up as he goes along.

Of course, his power source is a hat, so all you have to do is take it off and he’s just your average, magic-educated Minish. Without the wishing cap, he can still perform the most basic of spells, but little else. The cap also has limited power, so eventually it will run out. Fortunately, Ezlo is a good craftsman and it has a large pool of magic, but overusing its power too much could cut short its lifespan easily. I assume he'd still be capable of magic without it, but he definitely wouldn't be able to pull anything near as powerful as what the hat is capable of.

Personality: On the surface, Vaati is selfish, power-hungry, and cruel. He'll do whatever is necessary to get what he wants, whether it be twisting sweet words or taking it by force. He's cunning and intelligent as well as powerful, making him a dangerous enemy. His greatest weakness is his ego, however, as he believes his power to be limitless. He's quick to boast about his accomplishments, but frustrated easily when things don't go as planned. He flaunts his power like crazy and considers himself almost godlike. It doesn't take much to set him off if you challenge his ability. He has a tendency to exaggerate and use other means to compensate for his shortfalls (ex. the whole wishing cap incident), which can quickly turn sour. His stubbornness is both a strength and a weakness--he won't give up on something even when he's at a clear disadvantage, but if he fails he might become obsessed with righting that failure.

Beneath his cold exterior, Vaati has other motives for his actions. Always striving to please his master, but never able to impress him, Vaati wanted nothing more but to become powerful enough to be recognized. He never started searching for the Light Force to take over Hyrule, he only wanted to obtain a power that could impress his master. Up until he obtained the Light Force, Vaati's spells and curses were (fairly) harmless. He would turn his targets into stone, or monsters, or put obstacles in their way--but never attempted to directly harm or kill anyone. However, Vaati became addicted to his borrowed power, and that addiction slowly began to drive him mad. Not that it changed his plans much. I mean, his evil scheme was basically
1. Get Light Force
2. Become a god
3. ???
in which profit means kidnapping cute girls to try to make them marry him, not that it ever worked because he turned into this huge demon eyeball thing. And I kinda went on a bit of a tangent there but my point is he's more of a dick than a real villain because his motive is basically get more power so he can one-up his teacher and attract the ladies.

History: Vaati was once the young apprentice of a famous Minish sage, Ezlo. He was a hard worker, but despite all his efforts he could never impress his master. Determined to prove himself, he began studying dark magic and the human world and soon discovered the legends of the all-powerful Light Force. If he could acquire that power, he would become invincible-and if that couldn’t impress Ezlo, nothing would. While his master was away, Vaati stole one of his more powerful creations-a wish granting hat-and plotted to escape to the human world and find the legendary Force. He transformed Ezlo into a hat and disguised himself as a human to enter the annual martial arts tournament at Hyrule Castle, believing that the sacred sword guarded in the castle contained the Light Force.

He won the tournament by using his magic and was bestowed with the honour of touching the sacred sword. He immediately attacked the guards and shattered the blade, freeing the horde of monsters sealed by it, but found no Force. What he did find, however, was that the princess of Hyrule had a strange power when she deflected his attacks with a magic barrier. Not wanting to worry about her power interfering with his plans, Vaati promptly turned her to stone, brushing aside her companion Link. He then went off to search for the Light Force some more.

Vaati ran into Link again after he discovered the boy was repairing the sacred blade. He also found Ezlo, who had been travelling with the boy, and insulted the old hat a little before throwing some monsters at them and continuing his search. Vaati eventually settles for kidnapping the king of Hyrule and disguising himself as him to take control of the kingdom. He orders the guards to search for the Light Force and relaxes a little.

Eventually, Link returns with the reforged and the four elements needed to revive its power and enters the secret room in the castle’s garden. Vaati follows him, and witnesses a stained glass image that Link reveals-a picture of Princess Zelda holding the Light Force OSNAP. He then laughs evilly and runs back to do weird magic shit to the princess, turning everyone else in the castle to stone along the way. He climbs to the top of the castle to begin his spell... haha no just kidding, he ends up in the facility.
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