Jun 26, 2005 10:45
i can't help it: i have to comment on the fucking stupid tom cruise/matt lauer thing that's been cropping up in the news since friday.
tom cruise is a goddamn dolt. sure, maybe he read some reports on some shit, but that in no way makes him an expert or even qualified to comment on the topic of antidepressants, other medications, or psychology. i read the transcript of the conversation with lauer, and in almost every single salvo of dialogue coming out of tom cruise's mouth there are gross inaccuracies. he erroneously describes antidepressants as "antipsychotic" medications, which is a completely different class of meds with a markedly different purpose; he talks about the history of psychiatry, which if he did in fact know his stuff, is little more than 50 years old, since psychiatry is the medical and non-therapy-driven end of psychology and medications were not widely introduced until the 1960s; he talks about the "torture" of electro shock therapy, the wide use of which has been discontinued for decades except for cases of extreme depression and is now a whole lot safer than it ever was (the only side effect is some acute local memory loss for a short span of time after the treatment, and that's the only prevalent effect). and, "psychiatry" as it is defined deals almost exclusively with medication administration, so him talking about shock treatments in relation to it is totally misguided and does not overlap. and as for ritalin and shit? yes, it is extremely over-prescribed in the us, but i think that reflects more on american society than it does the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of the medication. and complaining about it being abused... bitch you almost made me laugh. let's stop selling spray paint, glue, and nyquil because people abuse those, too. narcotics are a constant historical presence, and it's plain stupid for him to think that the fact that it's abused should make any difference, or even be a surprise. even at that, ritalin and the ilk get abused because to people who don't have adhd, it behaves like fucking amphetamines with their body chemistry.
i guess that i think it's fucking sad that this stooge is on a national program getting all hot and bothered about shit that he really doesn't know anything about, although he claims to. fuck, all i have is a bachelor's in psychology and off the top of my head i can point out almost every misconception that he's feeding into. there are a lot of people who do not understand how psychology in practice works, and it's unfortunate that some asshole like tom cruise is soapboxing against it, when in truth if people want it to change for the better then they should vote for more funds and resources to be allocated to social services so that better therapies can be created. i'd like to see tom cruise spend a hour with one of my clients who isn't taking their medications in a little room on a hospital psychiatric unit, like i have to do. oh sure, it's all fake. he wants vitamin therapies and/or therapies that don't involve medications? start yourself a fundraiser, motherfucker! there is no realistic financial means with the current system to try to help improve as many people's quality of life without psychiatric medications. this cocksucker should shut his fucking mouth and stop comparing our society to the idealistic conception that he has in his head. lest you forget, this is the same guy who made days of thuder.
did dropping wads in katie holmes' rectum make him retarded all of a sudden? or has he been this much of a ignoramus the whole time and nobody ever paid attention? what the fuck. an actor should not be a social barometer on an issue that affects tens of thousands of people every day when they wake up in the morning and want to be able to not think about offing themselves. not that i don't think there is reform that is needed, but to discount all of the help that it gives is plain dumb and irresponsible. tom cruise should shut the fuck up, go drink some vitamin-enriched mineral water, and just skullfuck katie holmes the next time he gets agitated so that the rest of us can avoid his pedantic horseshit.
jackass scientologists...