3 of 17...

Mar 27, 2005 21:19

The Asinine Question Series *

3. If a cockroach can survive nuclear fallout, why can't it survive the bottom of my shoe, and why did nature deem this insect selectively resilient?

* The Asinine Question Series is a collection of daft queries which seek to find merely an answer, right or wrong, logical or illogical, seeing as how the questions are rather thin in content, sporadic in delivery, and the kind of thing that nobody really cares to talk about, much like when girls fart. The underlying logicistics behind the genesis of such a series of interrogative statements lies in the fact that Buddhist koans are often highly illogical, yet mired in their historical and cultural contexts; this series hopes to create a set of 17 koans with modern contexts from a Western cultural perspective. This will help to develop a lightning rod for the Western hemisphere inhabitant to be able to understand the wisdom entrenched in Buddhist and Taoist philosophical literature, but from a culturally-relevant viewpoint, and without having to wear a robe all goddamn day. There are no right or wrong answers, unless by proxy you answer any question on the basis of religious tenets, which then begs the question of whether God really exists or is a creation of man to explain things and answer such questions, and then if God really does exist could evolution also have occurred, kind of like the fact that regular ice cream and soft-serve ice cream can be found at the same establishment although there is no symbiosis between them. And add to that the fact that soft-serve ice cream comes in a pitifully low number of flavors in comparison to regular ice cream, although that may be a function of the physics involved in dispensing soft-serve ice cream. Availability may vary.
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