Sep 05, 2007 01:08
i am apparently a moron. i am taking second level biology this semester. it is an online class, so (most) of the work and labs are submitted online, which is nice, except the work has a tendency to sneak up on you. because of my apparent inability to read a syllabus, i have two chapters worth of work and a lab due tomorrow (today i suppose) at noon. I thought it was due friday at noon, which i do have something due then, just not the majority of work. luckily, i do quite well, if not my best, when under the pressure of a deadline. im not too worried about the actual work though. it is the introductory chapters, one of which is on biodiversity, i think my time in the E.O. Wilson Blount Program will help me through that chapter, which, luckily, is the one with the most work attached to it. i am also not the least bit tired as my medication is making me sleep less than normal, which for me, is really something. and when i do sleep, its for a couple hours in the early afternoon. i have however, had to take a couple pain killers for evil cramps, so im sure i will have to battle the demons of silliness when i am writing my thingies. so, if you are up, bored and have aim (Allo Sue is my screename) ENTERTAIN ME!! while i am chained to the region of the computer area working on uncovering the secrets that lie within plant life.