Apr 21, 2007 16:28
We live in a sick, sick world. This morning I heard that the Supreme Court had passed a ban on partial-birth abortion. My first thought was,"O.K, what's the catch?" I heard the Christian radio people shouting for joy and patting themselves on the back. This afternoon my husband filled me in on the "rest of the story". This ban only covers one procedure of partial-birth abortion. The one where the baby is partially delivered before it is murdered. In fact, the procedure that they banned is in a way more humane than some of the procedures it didn't ban.(if there is such a thing) You can kill the baby then deliver it or if you prefer pull the little innocent out in pieces. The procedure they banned is very uncommon and one of the other ways of killing the child can be substituted in its place. You can kill the baby in a way that does not show how absolutely heinous a thing is going. It all occurs inside the mother's womb. ( a place that should bring to mind safety, security, and love, not brutal acts of murder.)
This all after I read a beautiful story on a mother who brought to full term a baby who could only live a few hours after it was born. She loved her precious little baby all the while it was growing her and knowing he was going to die. He lived less than an hour after he was born, but she got to hold him and love him. Better stop, the tears are coming. Days like this I hate the world and hold my little boy closer to my heart and wonder what the world will be like when he is a man. I pray that he will be strong in the Lord like his Daddy.