app for city_of_cydonia

Feb 14, 2011 01:00

Out Of Character Information!
NAME;; Robin
AGE;; 21
JOURNAL;; tummieroll
AIM;; robinyublind


In Character Information!
CHARACTER JOURNAL;; steady_drilling
FANDOM;; Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
TIMELINE;; Beginning of Episode 11

Simon is small for his age, a bit on the scrawny side with indigo hair and black eyes. He's often dirty, spending most of his time underground, so his clothes aren't exactly in the best shape. He typically wears a blue and red jacket, brown shorts, and brown work shoes. To help him see better underground, he wears red and yellow goggles that light up.
He also wears a small drill around his neck that he found underground while digging during routine expansion of the Jeeha Village.


Simon has no extraordinary abilities. He is very persistent and reliable, and has spent most of his life underground, digging tunnels say in and day out. His only great skill is digging.
He can find the easiest spots in the earth to dig, as though he has an innate sense of where the soil will be the softest.

After finding a miniature ganmen underground and having his city attacked, Simon learns to pilot and fight using the small mecha as an extension of himself. Basically, he puts the drill in it's small ignition hole, turns it, then it follows his movements. The weapons on the ganmen are fitting of him, being a drill on its forearms, the lower half of its body, or right against the cockpit. Simon isn't a great pilot, though, and seems to win mostly on luck, screaming, and blind rage.


Physically, Simon isn't very strong. He is a tough little kid, but he's pretty average as far as young teen strength is concerned.
Mentally, he's not strong either. He doesn't know how to read, and he hasn't seen many wonders that living on the surface brings.

In battle, he panics, but with encouragement from others (Kamina, his "big bro"), he pulls through. He is clever and very good at spotting weaknesses in others.


Simon is quiet and most of his life has been nothing but digging. Finding treasure excites him and he cares a lot for other people, though he isn't a strong leader. He’s very clever when the time calls for it, always being the person to count on in a tight spot, even though he doesn’t get the full credit. It doesn’t bother him, though. Helping others doesn’t upset him in the slightest, and he doesn’t tend to push other people away.

The boy isn’t exactly a coward, but when it comes to dangerous situations, he‘d rather flee, though he is capable when the situation calls for it (or when someone believes in him). Simon is dependable, and afraid of making bold moves. When it comes to making important decisions, it shows on his face and he bottles up a lot of what upsets him.

After Kamina's death, Simon takes on more responsibility, being one of the first original members of the Dai Gurren Brigade, and the one person closest to Kamina. When the people he cares about are in trouble, he is merciless in his defense, and channels his emotions into fighting spirit. For the good of the group and the people who believe in him, he is able to gain confidence and persevere.

During peaceful times, Simon is able to relax, but considering almost every day in his series, humans are hunted by beastmen piloting giant mechas, there is very little time to relax.


Simon's story begins in a small underground village named Jeeha. Since as long as they could remember, the people of this village had always lived underground. For so long, in fact, that they didn’t even believe the surface existed. Ignorant about life outside their village, and desperate to expand their home to escape earthquakes, most everyone in the village spent their days digging tunnels.

Under the guidance of one chief, the villagers followed a strict schedule to conserve energy for lights, to raise their main food (pig-moles), and to continue expansion. Their main threat were tremors caused by battles on the surface between Ganmen (A sort of mecha piloted by beastmen) and other humans. It was one earthquake in particular that claimed the lives of Simon’s parents when he was 7 years old...

Most of his fellow villagers who dug well were rewarded with pig-mole steaks. However, it’s clear that Simon enjoys digging because he is good at it and enjoys finding treasure. To prevent his peers from suffering the same fate as his parents, he devotes his life to digging. It is because of this that he ends up alienated, often being the last one done and the dirtiest. The girls in the village make fun of him and keep away, spreading rumors about how he is disgusting. The only person who wants to be near him is the village delinquent, Kamina.

Kamina is an important figure in Simon’s development as a character because he is always pushing Simon to move forward, even through seemingly impossible situations. He insists that Simon calls him (Aniki) “big bro” as a symbol that they are as close as blood-brothers. During their younger years, Simon, Kamina, and a few other villagers were trapped in a collapsed tunnel. They were all afraid of death, but Kamina had faith that Simon could dig them out. Though Simon didn’t have any confidence in himself, he was able to keep drilling, egged on by Kamina's constant reassurance. He dug them free because Kamina believed in him, which in turn made him believe in himself.

Kamina started a group called the Gurren Brigade whose goal was to escape Jeeha village. He makes Simon an honorary member because he believes his drill is the one that will enable them to reach the surface. Aided by a stampede of pig-moles, the Gurren Brigade failed, and was reprimanded by the chief of the village.

Everyone but Kamina gave up, and upon discovering a giant face underground in his overnight drilling, Simon broke him out from his small holding cell. The two were caught before Simon could share the new find, and just as the chief was about to yell again, a ganmen broke through the giant ceiling above them.

With the help of a heavily armed woman from the neighboring village named Yoko, Kamina was able to fight off the ganmen for a while. Because of Kamina’s enthusiasm and stupidity, they were faced with many close calls, but Simon dug them a series of escape routes leading to the face he discovered. With Kamina’s encouragement, Simon reluctantly piloted what he discovered to be a mini ganmen in combat against the giant one destroying their village.

In the midsts of battle, Kamina named the ganmen “Lagann“, which is something he made up on the spot, but sticks through the series. At first, Simon didn’t know how to operate the mecha, but through trial and error, he found he was able to use the Lagann to destroy the enemy ganmen.

The Lagann’s is similar to Simon in that it’s main weapon is a drill. It can become all drill, or the limbs can turn into drills at will. It is his ganmen and no one ever pilots it. Its key ability is that it produces a drill that can pierce and attach to other ganmen, taking control of them. After stealing his own ganmen in battle, Kamina decides to combine his and Simon’s, creating the Gurren Laggan, the main mecha in the entire series.

Simon and Kamina fight several beast men, protecting the humans of the world they discover and inspiring people of different villages wherever they go to break free of their ideals and to rebel against the beastmen that are treating them as pests. They form friendships and slowly, their party grows until their fight against the beastmen can be describes as nothing other than all out war.

They begin following the enemy ganmen back to their base, only to discover that it is a giant ganmen at least ten times the size of Gurren Lagann. The captain of this giant ganem is Thymilph, one of the helix king’s big four who is responsible for destroying humans who come to the surface.

Before the giant battle, Simon witnesses his crush (Yoko) and Kamina together and this negatively effects his fighting spirit in battle. He is able to operate the Lagann and take over the Dai-Ganzen, by drilling inside and breaching the controls, but because of his broken heart, is unable to take control over completely.

Kamina drops his guard in battle to pep-talk Simon, and although it works and the Lagann is able to take control of Dai-Ganzen, the victory is short lived. In his own ganmen, Thymilph rises from inside the Dai-Ganzen and stabs Kamina.

With the last ounces of his strength, Kamina and Simon combine the Gurren Lagann and destroy Thymilph. At the very end of the battle, Kamina dies, leaving Simon as the hero of the story.

The humans end up taking over the Dai-Ganzen, and rename it the Dai-Gurren. Their next goal is to find the rest of the Helix King’s big four and destroy them.

Simon blames himself for Kamina’s death and falls into a dark depression, killing beastmen every day ruthlessly and overexerting himself with next to no care for his own safety. The only thing that matters for him is to keep fighting and getting stronger. During one fight, there is an overload of fighting spirit and he gets so carried away in combat that he becomes ill. The Lagann goes berserk and detaches from the newly repaired Gurren, spewing energy everywhere and rolling off the side of a cliff.

Simon regains consciousness at the base of the cliff, surrounded by large metal boxes. He opens one and discovers a beautiful young girl named Nia, who is a daughter of the Helix King. Too weak from his previous exertion, Simon cannot operate the Lagann, and takes out his hand drill in a pathetic attempt to protect Nia when they are met by the Ganmen that had previously fought him by the cliff. He won’t let another person die, and is about to risk himself to save another person. However, being the compassionate young girl that Nia is, she convinces him that they need to run away so they can both stay alive.

Simon later discovers that Nia was thrown away by the Helix King, and begins facing off with his big four as he moves towards Tepperin, the beast man’s capital.


[There is sheer panic in a young voice as the audio feed clicks on. The boy whimpers and stutters. His hands might even be shaking the communicator.]

T-There's a mini ganmen in my room!
There are bigger ones outside!! What's going on?!
W-Where am I?!


Simon backs up when the robot rolls over to him and gives a cheerful beeping sound. He doesn't know what it's holding out, and it doesn't seem threatening, but it's going awfully fast.

The teen flinches as the MAiD robot extends it's arms, holding out a large white box with a red ribbon on top.

"F-For me?" The boy blinks and accepts the present. Just as quickly as the Robot had delivered the gift, it is off to make another delivery.
"Hm?" Simon tugs on the ribbon and it falls to the ground, followed by the rest of the box as he stands, looking at the cloak in awe. This... This was supposed to be by Big Brother's grave...

Hands shake, holding the fabric tightly, then pressing it to his chest. He would put this as close to the heavens as he could so Aniki could be close to the sky he'd always believed in.
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