(no subject)

Jun 05, 2011 21:22

Title: Emotions
Author: Kururu
Rating: T
Characters: Black, Shadow Triad!Cilan
Word Count: 890
Summary: An expanded version of Black looking though N's room. Set in the Unshaded Grey universe.

Of course he'd be climbing up those stairs, to the next story of the Castle of Lord N. The higher the so-called second hero climbed, the closer he got to the King of Ideals, the King of Zekrom and Unova, and the closer he got to proving his own point and 'saving' the world. But still, I couldn't help but be nervous, being the third of the Shadow Triad to greet Black. It was in my nature, after all. I was always the worst at concealing his emotions, at being a shadow. When my brothers hid their emotions, it was convincing, it was simply second nature.

As I lost myself in thought, however, I saw Black and his team of Pokemon approaching. Odd... the man before him had all his Pokemon by his side, instead of in Pokeballs. It almost reminded him of when they first met, when it was just Black and his young Oshawott, wandering into their gym. Some things never change.

But as Black stopped, peering at the room nearby, I knew it was my time. Skillfully landing behind him, I looked into the room with him. Black then turned, looking to me - his Floatzel giving me the same look of confusion. "You're one of the Shadow Triad... one of three. So... what's in there?" he asked, putting his hands firmly in his pockets. A simple question.
"That room..." I started, walking closer to Black, "was the world that was provided to our Lord N..."

"Really, now?" Black said, starting to approach. His Floatzel seemed to back away the smallest bit, as his Sawsbuck looked to me - the oddest look on his face. It almost looked... sad.

Before Black could enter the room, however, I spoke once more. "I don't feel anything, even when I go into the room... but you may feel something," I said, starting to back away. But Black stopped me, grabbing me by the arm. For such a young teenager, he had a strong grip... oh. It wasn't him, it was his Zoroark, the most foul of beasts. It look almost all my willpower to stop myself from screaming, from running and cowering.

"Nothing at all, huh," Black said, looking to the ground. "Well then, why don't you come with me? Give me a bit of explaining?"

It wasn't like I had a choice. It was following him, or I'd be gripped by that Zoroark. So, silently, I started to walk into the room with the so-called hero.

The paved path of the castle parted into a cloud-covered carpet, and a checkered wall. The room which N had grown in, where he'd lived with so many Pokemon who had been harmed by many different trainers... it'd been so long, of course I didn't feel anything for him. Looking over to Black, however, it was obvious what his reaction was. A mix of confusion and disgust. Taking a few hesitant steps forward, he looked to the train tracks. "They look like they've been played with recently," he said, looking to me with his confused look. I gave him a nod, sort-of looking away. Odd... I could swear that his Dragonite was poking at the train tracks, as if it wanted to play with them - or at least sniff them, get their scent. Maybe it just wanted to be friendly, or see how much Lord N had played with them. Black, however, had moved onto the next most visible thing.

A basketball hoop... I'd never noticed that Lord N had dunked one of his trains into it. After this was done, it would be my duty to take it back out... again. As Black stared at the hoop, investigating it... his Dragonite had moved on, to sniffing the basketball - before presenting it to the Pokemon Trainer.

"...Harmonia." Black said, repeating it a few times to himself. "I'll have to remember that."

But then, he turned back to me. He still had questions, it seemed, but then he got back to investigating. Perhaps he was checking I was still there. I wouldn't be moving - I had a Zoroark trained on me. How did Black know that'd be the best way to keep me trapped, though?

Briefly looking from the skateboards to the wheels, he then stepped onto the ramp - and noticed a single Rare Candy. Picking it up, he then turned to me. "...Was this for his Pokemon? Or... was it for him?" Black asked, tossing it to his Volcarona, who gobbled it down.

I had no answer for him, however. I didn't know what he expected, but I had no answer to give him.
Black then approached me.

"...Zoroark, everybody, we're moving on," he said, as his Pokemon ran up to him. I breathed a sigh of relief, before Black suddenly spoke to me, all up in my face.

"But before I go... you're trembling... not just that, but you're frowning. Is that from Zoroark? Or is that from this room?"
And then he was gone, talking to his Pokemon as if he could understand them. But his words... why did he even question that? Of course it was from the Zoroark. He didn't feel anything in the room - because he'd seen it so much. Even the worst of conditions could be gotten used to, if you're exposed to it long enough. Looking out, I could see Black start to walk off, towards his destiny. Who'd win? Who cared now. It was time to see the fight for Unova... and I wasn't going to miss this. Especially if I was required afterwards... for any reason.
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