9: [action | accidental audio]

Jan 30, 2011 14:24

[Today the Malnosso have seen fit to dump off a shivering person into the woods behind the grocery store. Xander is semi-conscious, bruised, and only clad in a pair of New Feather trousers. The journal might pick up a faint moaning sound, and maybe mumbling ( Read more... )

back from mallynap, even more helpless than usual

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sittingtype January 30 2011, 23:02:58 UTC
[ at some point, John will wander down to seventh heaven for a meal and to possibly get away from his housemate and monkey. it might be no chinese take-away like the ones back in London, but it's good enough for a man who is currently reaping the benefits of not being plagued by a phantom limp and feels like he has reached the peak of physical condition. ]


steadfastest January 30 2011, 23:06:05 UTC
[Your up is Xander's down, Watson. The boy is probably looking distinctly like he could use a doctor at this point. It was his idea to go directly to Seventh Heaven from the clothing shop; the clinic probably would have been a better choice. At the moment, a deep bruise is obvious up the left side of his face, from jaw to eye. The marks run beneath the collar of his shirt, spreading into the worst of the bruising along his side and chest. It looks like someone threw him into a wall.]


sittingtype January 30 2011, 23:31:20 UTC
[ when John spots him, it actually takes him a few seconds to come to the conclusion that the boy sitting at the table is actually the real Xander Harris, going by his injuries and not just someone affected by the latest experiment, like he had seen with Caroline's red hair and Ciel turning into a cake (and his own improvement, the nagging doubt in the back of his mind reminds him), and he walks over. ]

Xander? You're back, then. [ it's a dumb observation, but this might be the first time he has seen someone come back from a kidnapping. ] Are you all right?


steadfastest January 31 2011, 02:08:19 UTC
Hey--hey, Doc. I'm...feeling like a side of meat that just went through the tenderizer.


sittingtype January 31 2011, 02:41:20 UTC
[ a nervous chuckle from John. or perhaps not so nervous. ]

No kidding.


steadfastest January 31 2011, 02:54:24 UTC
You're a doctor, right? [Xander lifts his shirt revealing bone-white skin on one half of his torso, ugly purple and blue bruises on the other half.] Can I do anything for this?


sittingtype January 31 2011, 03:00:39 UTC
[ he inwardly winces. ]

Blimey.. erm.. yes, you can start by applying an ice pack to it. Taking it easy and all that.


steadfastest January 31 2011, 03:21:33 UTC
[Xander gestures to a spent ice pack on the table, a small puddle of water beneath it.] I figured the last thing I needed after being in the snow was more ice. But now that I've warmed up? Yeah. And I'm guessing that thing isn't going to be much help anymore.


sittingtype January 31 2011, 03:23:58 UTC
[ he regards that thoroughly ruined icepack with suspicion and looks back at Xander. ] When exactly did you get back?


steadfastest January 31 2011, 03:44:34 UTC
Buffy found me a couple of hours ago. They ditched me in the woods, not too far from here. So that was good at least.


sittingtype January 31 2011, 03:47:44 UTC
Just a few hours ago? You should go to the clinic and get checked out there. Check there aren't any underlining injuries.


steadfastest January 31 2011, 03:57:57 UTC
I was hungry, so I came here first. Buffy said I was gone thirteen days.


sittingtype January 31 2011, 03:59:27 UTC
Thirteen days.. yes, that sounds about right.


steadfastest January 31 2011, 04:24:54 UTC
[Xander touches the side of his face, gently.] Weirdly I can only remember three of them. Things have been okay here, though? I mean--experiment and all, but, nothing too bad?


sittingtype January 31 2011, 05:05:50 UTC
It's been pretty weird around here all week. I woke up one morning to see they hacked all my hair off, but other than that? Nothing.. too bad, no. [ a military regulation haircut which makes his ears fucking cold in this weather. he licks his lips. ] What do you remember?


steadfastest January 31 2011, 14:38:33 UTC
I remember...being in a cell with a fluorescent light on the ceiling. I HATE fluorescent lights. And then of course all the beatings. [Xander spits this word out and falls silent, toying with the spoon in his cereal.]


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