Jun 13, 2006 11:06
back from newcastle on poopy early train. officially want to poop on cityrail for its poops on me over the long weekend. where is the logic in putting trackwork on and after long weekend? WHERE?
friday night was ridiculous (a routine outcome from a night at purple sneakers). taryn and nick were thrown full throttle into a night of heavy drinking and obscenities and they fortunately survived. talk about drama though. the hilarity of it. i think i actually needed to warn them both more than i did, because it is not only the surroundings of the filthy barhole that take one by surprise, but also the changes it invokes within the regular attendees of the event. those damaged souls who cut loose (in the most extreme sense) friday nights and wail like a banshee, thrashdance like a crackwhore.
but we did have a relatively sane dinner beforehand which was very very nice and so good to finally have trio catchups.
slumber party was also well adventurous in my little room. fortunately, i didn't make it to bed until about 5 or 6 so nick had my single all to himself for a while.
t&n picked up their international other halves the next day and i slept, mostly, and finally tortured myself into getting up, packing a bag, and heading back to newcastle. on a cityrail bus. rail. bus. yeh, logical.
home was nice. very good to see the family. but i'm finding it less and less like heading 'home' now i think. coming back to college feels normal. going home felt like a nice holiday break, rather than heading back to where i belong. i was fairly bored, my room was REALLY cold, and there wasn't really many people who i wanted to see. i sat around a lot and watched telly and just relaxed a bit. started to get a cold. didn't do any work. had some really nice meals with mum and dad, whilst tim studied for exams.
but back to college! and now i actually honestly have to put some effort into study. i haven't done anything and have so much philosophy reading to do because i didn't go to lots of those lectures. stinking 60% philosophy. going to leave english until next week i think. maybe do little notes tomorrow, but must get phil and sociology down (to chinatown).