The week since my last post simply flew by...
Apparently my XBox 360 has finally 'snuffed it' as they say as it now has the dreaded Red Ring of Death.
I know why I got it, too - last week I was just playing games a little too long than I should have for a couple of days. It would crash in the middle of the game a few times towards the end of the week and on Sunday when it did just that for five times, I gave up playing on it and moved on to the Wii. Hanging up the power device to circulate air was a way to cool off the device because in the last 16 months, I had it placed in such a cramped area of space but thankfully it still showed signs of function. The console however had just got too warm at the time and I found that out for myself yesterday. All that for games becoming more addactive nowadays!!
Most importantly I didn't blow my cool or overeact or anything like that. An Xbox failing to work all because of a general hardware fault to Microsoft's part is all old news to me as I was aware of the red ring from the very beginning. I immediately figured that the only solution is to fix it myself, with help from an online guide for a small price from my wallet. Might as well, because I don't have the time to do it at this minute (loads of stuff to do first) and I will spend one whole day in the easter holidays having a look at it. I'm not much of an engineer but I think I wil have fun dismantling the console and put it back together.
Don't really need to tell you what type of XBox 360 console I own; the 120GB Elite works extremely well otherwise.
Still, at least I never had one of these when I was young:
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( language warning... 'cause he IS the AVGN after all! XD ) SING ALONG TO THE THEME SONG IF YOU KNOW THE WORDS!