I finally finished reading the Walt Disney biography by Neal Gabler yesterday. Terrific read, but where does that leave me with my other bookwormly needs?
After the long-ish Harry Potter I did not want to read such big, freak-off bibles ever again although I always longed for magazine, news and web articles ever since I read my first
Gamesmaster * magazine back in 1992 (yes, I can read books as well back then - I was 5 :D). I forgot about that when I read Don Quixote three years ago from now and haven't picked up something 'novel' to read (har har) until I bought the Disney bio from New York Airport.
I'm planning to read the R. Crumb Handbook from beginning to end now and there are a bunch of biographies I can read through after that.
While I'm on the subject of, uh... reading, I want to give you a full list of webcomics that I am/used to enjoy. I'll do that after class at uni today.
* the link takes you to the nostalgic TV show used to be on Channel 4. What on earth roped Sir Patrick Moore into becoming the big, floaty head that was the Gamesmaster? That funky astronomer... Now watch them videos!! (*?*)