Title: Obsession (Chapter 17)
confused_blissGenre: AU!
Pairing: Brendan/Stephen
Word Count: 2800
Rating: R (overall)
Warnings: M/M becoming explicit over time
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! The Hollyoaks characters are the sole property of their creators. This is for entertainment purposes only. No infringement intended.
Beta: None, all mistakes are mine!
Feedback: Yes, please. All comments are greatly appreciated.
Banner & Journal Layout: Thank you to the amazing
foreverbm Summary: Brendan Brady is a control freak, and openly gay. He and his sister Cheryl own a casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. When the inexperienced and seemingly unavailable Stephen Hay comes into the casino seeking employment an instant attraction is forged. The more Steven resists, the more determined and obsessed Brendan becomes to have him. What lengths will Brendan go to make the new blackjack dealer exclusively his?
A/N: A brief little note to remind in this story Warren is in actuality a good guy - not only Brendan’s head of security, but his friend as well. So, when you see them conspiring together - things are on the up and up! =) Okay, our story is progressing along now, as you will see at the end when Brendan makes a realization. I am hoping to close this out with 20 chapters. Thank you all that are reading, and commenting. I do appreciate that!
Chapter 17