Warning: Long and Likely Boring Narrative Follows

Aug 04, 2005 16:25

Its been awhile, LJ world.

Last Saturday I drove to Hamilton, OH (here that steve?) to visit Lauren. It is in the middle of nowhere... Literally. She actually lives north of Detroit but was in Hamilton to visit her Grandma who is in a nursing home there and took a sudden turn for the worst. Its only about 2 or so hours away so I decided to go up there and hang out with her because it is awefully boring and lonely to stay at a nursing home and watch your grandmother sleep. We went to her grandmother's farm and saw the old farmhouse built in the 1850's and went in search of the cows Lauren claims they have, but seeing none I can offer no proof of their existence. In a closet in the farmhouse they have an old Civil War rifle. It was unbelievably heavy; I couldnt imagine marching very far carrying it and then having to hold it up to shoot.

We then went to tiny downtown Hamilton to this quaint little restaurant to eat. She convinced me to order an "italian soda." It was basically club soda that they put different types of flavoring/syrup in and put whip creme on. I got carmel. It basically tasted like cadonated water with a cramel after taste. I had never heard of such a thing but apparently they are common in Michigan and Ohio. Has anyone every seen these in Kentucky? I haven't.

Afterwards, we were going to go to a mall to look around. And she wanted to help me buy new clothes for school because I need some and her fashion-sense is quite a bit betten than mine. Lets face it: I'm not exactly Ryan Seacrest. I think thats a good thing though. No one wants to be like him. We ended up, however, going to a park there in Hamilton. It was quite fun and I dont think we have anything u=quite like it close to Louisville. There you can rent bikes and boats (fishing or paddle-boats). We opted for a normal bicycle, although they had several options, like tandem or littleg-cart type things with pedals. Very trusting, these people. There was go guy there to make sure you paid or anything... you could just walk up an take a bike and keep it for as long as you wanted. If you were that type of person. But i had to actually pay because I with her. :-) we rode around the 1-mile loop and then the 9-mile loop and the 1-mile one again it was quite fun and much more healthy than buy clothes. Good times were had. It was well worth the drive. But me being me, I would probably have driven twice as far if I needed to.

The real fun began on the way home. I got on I-75 south and noticed my heat gauge was nearly at the top. I drove for a few minute and it never went down and in fact briefy went into the red. Therefor, I decided to pull over at the next exit and check the radiator. I called dad and checked the radiator and it was empty. I had pulled into the parking lot of a Big Lots because it right off teh expressway so i went in and bought a bunch of bottled water for cheap to pour in it. I started it back up and loooked under the hood and it was squirting out of a pin-hole leak too fast for me to be able to make it home before it ran out again. I called AAA and got towed (still in cinnci) and I waited there for my parents to come get me (this was about 9:00 at night and its a 2 hour drive). I was in for a long wait. There were benches in front of the Big Lots but as it cleared out I decided i didnt want to sit there alone in an empty parking lot. I called Jen and had to look up pat's phone number. Pat is a buddy from college and he just happens to live 30 seconds from where i pulled over. I knew this from visiting his house earlier this summer but i didnt have his number stored. If i had remembered how to get there could have walked. So he luckily ahd just gotten off work and cametopick me up and i hung at his house until 11 when the parents got there.

So this was Saturday night. Yesterday (wed.) me and dad had to drive all the way back up there to get it in rush hour traffic after i got out of class. I was going to stop in and visit Lauren again since I was right there but that didn't work out. :-( It was better for me tofollow dad anyway in case they didnt fix it right and it exploded in the middle of the highway. Always good to ahve a back up. And that way he wouldnt have to turn around to come get me and flaming car. It works perfectly now, however. Which is good considering I am going to have it on campus this year. YES! I AM SO COOL!

So, i am ready for school to start...dont want to go to classes but I miss everyone. And i still need to figure out what i want to do with the rest of my life/find a major. Thats it for me at the moment, bye.
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