My lords and my ladies of the Royal Court, I give to you a smattering of my own personal observations on the events of the last few days. I don't normally blog this much, but these days I have to flex my creative muscles regularly unless I want them to atrophy and become useless. Much like the current crop of Repungicant front runners.
That being said, let's light this candle...
Palmetto Purple People Eaters
So apparently
Obama won in South Carolina, in what is looking like a Democratic primary season of WWE proportions. "WWE Proportions? Dharma, you charismatic stallion, what are you talking about?" you ask. And you are right to ask. It's quite simple. One of the standard angles in the pro wrestling business today is the "Two wrestlers who hate each other forced to work together" angle. It's where two top-tier stars have to work together to accomplish something, usually a title or something similar which leads to one or the other or both getting titles. In this case, Obama is the guy who magic on the microphone but his wrestling skills have yet to be seen or even showcased in a good fashion. In this case, he's The Kid from The South Side of Chicago. Then you have Hillary Clinton. Hillary's an old pro. She may not be the best talker, but she's not afraid to get down and dirty. But she's smart so she gets her valet (or manager in the case of Bill Clinton) to do the talking for her.
The problem with the Park Ridge Princess is that she's a heel who portraying herself as a face (which would make her a tweener in wrestling fan parlance) and no one's buying it. Couple that with some of the really STUPID things that the First Spouse has said over the last few weeks, and you have what you've had today, with Hillary forced to go to My Home State to try and win the South. Dollars to donuts she's visiting Carthage to see if she can get Al to come out of hiding long enough to endorse her.
And then there's Ulysses Edwards McGill aka John Edwards. Bless his heart, I know he means well, and I like the fact that he puts The Fear into the Corporatists. That doesn't change the fact that he's a Jobber. A jobber in wrestling terms is someone who loses to either up and coming stars or big stars in order to make them look good on TV. This distinction is important because Edwards still has a large number of supporters among progressives in key areas. I will make a prediction that Edwards will fight it out to Denver, then wrangle for a cabinet postion (possibly as Attorney General) before giving the nod to whomever gets the duke at the convention.
This only leaves The Kid from the South Side and The Park Ridge Princess. My opinion? I can see Obama winning enough to come in a very close second in a number of states. I don't see him losing Illinois, mainly because he's a Rock Star there. (That's kinda like wrestling The Nature Boy Ric Flair in North Carolina and expecting to win. It don't happen that often.) This will give him the leverage he needs to either get the Top Spot or at least get the VP nod. I don't see the Park Ridge Princess settling for anything less than Top Candidate position, and frankly I think having her as the President with Obama as the voice of reason and the unifier behind the scenes is a good idea. Do I think this will work against the GOP in November? Well, that's something else...
In case you just joined us, there was a battle royal-style Republican debate in Florida this week. Here are the highlights:
McCain: I'm a maverick, straight-talker. Pay no attention to the Savings and Loan victims behind the curtain.
Willard: I'm more like Reagan. Don't-cha like my 'do?
Mayor Nine-Eleven: Nine-eleven, nine-eleven,nine-eleven...Pay no attention to the unbridled police power and Disney-fication of Times Square.
The Huck: Gosh, darn it. I'm just a plain ol' country boy who likes grits with his squirrel. Pay no attention to the rapist I worked to get pardoned or my
dominionist leanings.
Nearly Normal Ron Paul: I was against the war from in front. Pay no attention to the White Supremacist newsletter I funded (even though it's readership was decidedly diminished.)
I've said this to many friends, and I still think it's true. The Republichcan convention will make the Night of Long Knives look like a tea-party. I fully expect Huck and One of Keating Five to dogpile on Willard with the help of Mayor Nine-Eleven while Nearly Normal Ron Paul plays the dual role of H. Ross Perot and The Guv'nur George Wallace while dressed like an Illinois nazi.
And speaking of dogs, or at least men who should die like one...
Flushing the John
Sorry, that was a lame lead-in, but I will not sully the name of Gibson by suggesting he should be smashed in the head with a guitar ala El-Kabong or Jeff Jarrett (take your pick.)
Memo to John Gibson: You're not funny. You're not even on the same planet as funny, let alone the zip code. Even Gilbert Gottfried had the good sense to tell
"The Aristocrats" joke when his plane jokes were crashing and burning at the Hugh Hefner Friars Club Roast. That's because he, unlike you, is a comedian.
See, this is further proof that life sucks. Imus gets suspended and this guy gets a pass?? Ninja, please. At least Imus was sincere in his apology, unlike you. Next time you have to say your sorry for being an asshole, at least have the good sense to sound sincere about it instead of sounding like you're reading from the teleprompter. kthnxbuhbye.
And with that, I depart. Good night, good luck and keep your powder dry.